International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing

E-ISSN: 1998-4464
Volume 15, 2021

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Volume 15, 2021

Title of the Paper: Design of a Power-Efficient Low Complexity Non Maximally Coefficient Symmetry Multi Rate Filter Bank for Wideband Channelization


Authors: Kirti Samir Vaidya, C. G. Dethe, S. G. Akojwar

Pages: 883-894 

DOI: 10.46300/9106.2021.15.95     XML


Abstract: A solution for existing and upcoming wireless communication standards is a software-defined radio (SDR) that extracts the desired radio channel. Channelizer is supposed to be the computationally complex part of SDR. In multi-standard wireless communication, the Software Radio Channelizer is often used to extract individual channels from a wideband input signal. Despite the effective channelizer design that reduces computing complexity, delay and power consumption remain a problem. Thus, to promote the effectiveness of the channelizer, we have provided the Non-Maximally Coefficient Symmetry Multirate Filter Bank. In this paper, to improve the hardware efficiency and functionality of the proposed schemes, we propose a polyphase decomposition and coefficient symmetry incorporated into the Non-Maximally Coefficient Symmetry Multirate Filter Bank. For sharp wideband channelizers, the proposed methods are suitable. Furthermore, polyphase decomposition filter and coefficient symmetry is incorporated into the Non-Maximally Coefficient Symmetry Multirate Filter Bank to improve the hardware efficiency, power efficient, flexibility, reduce hardware size and functionality of the proposed methods. To prove the complexity enhancement of the proposed system, the design to be the communication standard for complexity comparison.