International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing

E-ISSN: 1998-4464
Volume 15, 2021

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Volume 15, 2021

Title of the Paper: Investigation of Thermophysical Properties of Nanomagnetite-based Polymer Materials


Authors: Ekaterina L. Kuznetsova, Minggong Sha

Pages: 1527-1533 

DOI: 10.46300/9106.2021.15.165     XML


Abstract: In this work, samples of magnetite nanoparticles are synthesized using various synthetic methods. It is shown that of the existing methods of magnetite synthesis, the most widespread is the method of coprecipitation of Fe2+ and Fe3+ salts. Less common, but of interest due to the slower and more controlled kinetics of particle nucleation, is the Fe2+ oxidation method. However, magnetite is unstable and under external influences its phase transition to maghemite can occur, which leads to a change in magnetic characteristics and a change in biological responses. After analyzing the results of the study of samples by the XRD method, the following conclusions can be drawn: The magnetite phase was identified by the characteristic peaks in the diffraction patterns for all samples, except for the sample with EDTA, which may be a consequence of an insufficient amount of the introduced oxidant, or poor diffusion of the oxidant to iron ions due to the formed chelate complex. It can be concluded that magnetite is a promising material for its use in industry and medicine.