International Journal of Mathematics and Computers in Simulation
E-ISSN: 1998-0159
Volume 9, 2015
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Volume 9, 2015
Title of the Paper: Numerical Approximation of Static Characteristics of McKibben Pneumatic Artificial Muscle
Authors: Mária Tóthová, Ján Piteľ, Alexander Hošovský, József Sárosi
Pages: 228-233
Abstract: Pneumatic artificial muscles belong to progressive non-conventional actuators with several appealing characteristics as extremely high ratio of force to weight and high stiffness. But they exhibit highly non-linear behavior especially due to inherent properties of their materials and compressibility of air. Therefore, it is difficult to control them without adequate modeling and simulation. The paper deals with the numerical approximation of the non-linear static characteristics of McKibben pneumatic artificial muscle. The muscle force dependence on the muscle contraction and pressure in the muscle was approximated using available software tools as Microsoft Excel and Matlab Curve Fitting Toolbox and four obtained functions are expressed and shown for comparison in the paper.
Title of the Paper: Parallel Simulation Methodological Issues for Creating 3D Nanostructures
Authors: D. Fülep, I. László
Pages: 222-227
Abstract: Our computer simulations face performance and efficiency issues so we make efforts to make our simulation method faster. Density Functional based Tight-Binding (DFTB) Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations were performed in hybrid multi CPU - multi GPU environment.Using these self-developed IT tools we get closer to understanding self-organized growing of nanotubes which can be the basic bricks of nano-sized electric circuits in the near future.
Title of the Paper: Fuzzified Weighted OWA (FWOWA) Operator
Authors: Pavel Holecek, Jana Talasova, Tomas Talasek
Pages: 213-221
Abstract: In practice, it is often necessary to combine information from different sources. For this task, one of aggregation operators can be used. Probably the best-known of them are the weighted average and the OWA (ordered weighted average) operator. The weighted average makes it possible to assign importances to the individual information sources. On the other hand, with the OWA operator, the importances are assigned to the aggregated values according to their order. In cases when we need to combine these two approaches, the weighted OWA (WOWA) operator can be used. The situation when the aggregated values are not known precisely is very common in the practice. That is why fuzzified versions of various aggregation operators begun to emerge. In this paper, a fuzzified WOWA operator, which can aggregate values expressed by fuzzy numbers, will be presented. The version studied in this paper is based on Zadeh’s extension principle. The behavior of the presented fuzzified WOWA operator will be demonstrated on an illustrative example and it will be compared to a different approach to the fuzzification of the WOWA and to another aggregation operator generalizing the fuzzy weighted average and the fuzzy OWA operator. Finally, a software tool for the fuzzified WOWA calculation will be mentioned.
Title of the Paper: Breadth-First-Search Tree – Levels and Subtrees
Authors: Eva Milková
Pages: 206-212
Abstract: The Breadth-First-Search algorithm belongs to the most used searching algorithms. The Breadth-First-Search tree has its special properties that can be convenient to be used in various other algorithms. Deep analysis of the topic and discussion on mutual relationships between solutions to problems allows the teacher to enhance student’s logical thinking and support their understanding to more complex algorithms. Moreover, contrary to the intuition that a problem is solvable by a polynomial algorithm, theoretical background of the appropriate topic can show that the problem is much more complex and a fast algorithm is unlikely to exist. The paper presents a comprehensive view on problems that are based on Breadth-First-Search tree property.
Title of the Paper: The Environment of Fixed Transmission Media and their Negative Influences in the Simulation
Authors: Rastislav Róka
Pages: 190-205
Abstract: This paper is devoted to the environment of fixed transmission media and their negative influences in the simulation. There are two basic areas of fixed transmission environments – metallic and optical. An attention is focused on main features and characteristics of environmental negative influences at the signal transmission. Consequently, simulation models for appropriate transmission paths are introduced with functional blocks representing main negative influences existing in the specific environment. The created Simulink models for technologies and communications are verified for real environmental conditions. Then, they can allow executing different analyses for advanced digital signal processing techniques at the signal transmission.
Title of the Paper: A Systematic Literature Review to Classify Pre and Post Test Suite Reduction Techniques
Authors: Mohammed Akour, Iyad Alazzam, Feras Hanandeh, Iman Akour
Pages: 181-189
Abstract: Test suite reduction is a critical activity which takes a place before or after test cases generation process. As software keeps growing large amounts of new test cases will be generated and added to the test pool and others will be updated, accordingly test suite size will keep increasing. Test suite reduction techniques have been proposed to eliminate redundant or irrelevant test cases based on variant criteria, while seeking to maintain the total effectiveness of the reduced test suite. This paper presents a systematic literature review to classify some existing techniques and perform sort of comparison in terms of pros and cons. A major result of this paper is a categorization of the test suite reduction which could provide a guideline for software testers in choosing the best technique based on the test requirements.
Title of the Paper: Validation of Electric Transportation System Simulation Models Using Multiple Performance Indexes Based on Scale and Slope Evaluation
Authors: Jacopo Bongiorno, Andrea Mariscotti, Nicola Pasquino
Pages: 168-180
Abstract: Validation of a simulation model is among other things the evaluation of accuracy against experimental data; quantitative judgment is based on performance indexes that measure various kinds of distances between simulation and data vectors: amplitude, slope, peaks, etc. Different indexes may privilege different characteristics always giving a somewhat biased judgment. For this reason three performance indexes that proved to be effective, robust and reliable are used on a complete test case, which allows verifying which system characteristics may have the most significant impact on validation results. The used performance indexes are Theil, Modified Pendry and FSV (the latter reported in the IEEE Std. 1597.2). The overall judgment of the simulator is “very good”, ranging between good” and “excellent” for various positions and configurations, with the three indexes in substantial agreement, and some minor differences.
Title of the Paper: Loss Distributions and Simulations in General Insurance and Reinsurance
Authors: V. Pacáková, D. Brebera
Pages: 159-167
Abstract: The article presents the techniques suitable for practical purposes in general insurance and reinsurance and demonstrates their application. It focuses mainly on modelling and simulations of claim amounts by means of mathematical and statistical methods using statistical software products and contains examples of their applications. Article also emphasizes the importance and practical use of probability models of individual claim amounts and simulation of extreme losses in insurance practice.
Title of the Paper: A Two-Sided Iterative Method for Solving a Nonlinear Matrix Equation X = A*( X^r) A - I
Authors: Sana'a A. Zarea
Pages: 153-158
Abstract: An efficient and numerical algorithm is suggested for finding the positive definite solutions of the matrix equation , where A is a nonsingular real matrix, if such solutions exist. The suggested technique is called the "Two-sided Iterative Process". Property of solutions is discussed thereof, necessary and sufficient conditions for existence of a positive definite solution are derived, and also the error analysis and the convergence rate are analyzed. Finally, two numerical examples are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the algorithm.
Title of the Paper: Smart System for Busy Roads Using Short Range Wireless Technologies
Authors: Muneer Bani Yassein, Mohamed Al-Maolegi, Yaser Khamayseh, Dragana Krstic, Shadi Aljawarneh
Pages: 146-152
Abstract: The vast advancements in wireless networks led to an increased interest in the development of smart transportation systems which permit vehicles to exchange important information between them and deployed fixed stations. The main goal of these systems is to assist the drivers on the roads and providing them with the necessary information about the driving conditions so they can avoid the accidents and the crowded streets. An intelligent transportation system which notifies the drivers about the crowded streets is proposed in this paper. Once the driver receives this information, it can search for the best path to their destination. The underlying wireless network used in the proposed system is ZigBee, it is preferred for it is low power and low cost compared to other short range wireless technologies. The proposed system decreases the overall cost of such systems which makes it applicable in any country. The performance of the proposed system is evaluated using two competing technologies: ZigBee and Wi-Fi. In terms of end to end delay and packet delivery ratio, Wi-Fi outperforms ZigBee, while ZigBee outperforms Wi-Fi in terms of energy consumption.
Title of the Paper: About the Linear Complexity of Sequences over the Finite Field Obtained by Inverse Gray Mapping from Binary Sequences
Authors: Vladimir Edemskiy, Andrey Ivanov
Pages: 141-145
Abstract: We consider the sequences over the finite field of four elements obtained by inverse Gray mapping from a pair of binary sequences. We derive the linear complexity and the minimal polynomial of sequences constructed from Legendre sequences, Hall’s sextic sequences and twin-prime sequences using the technique proposed by Tang, Ding, Lim, Kim et al.
Title of the Paper: Novel Approach to Utilization of Differential Evolution for Camera Placement Problem
Authors: J. Sevcik, T. Urbanek, J. Sipek
Pages: 136-140
Abstract: The camera placement within the observed area is one of the most relevant problems within the new Video Surveillance System design. Some potential to automate the camera placement within the particular area is in utilization of various optimization methods. Nonetheless, the problem of camera placement is too complex for standard analytic solution methods. Differential Evolution has recently proven to be an efficient method for optimizing real-valued multi-modal objective functions. It represents a modern heuristic approach for minimizing nonlinear and non-differentiable continuous space functions. The example of application of this method is utilized within this research paper and some interesting results were achieved.
Title of the Paper: Goodness of Fit Tests on the Basis of the Kernel Quantile Estimators in Dose-Effect Relationship
Authors: Mikhail Tikhov, Maxim Ivkin
Pages: 127-135
Abstract: A simple, nonparametric sample test for equality of a given quantile function is developed which can be applied to a variety of the kernel distribution function estimators for dose-effect relationship data. The test statistic based on a composition of a kernel estimate of the quantile function with a common distribution function estimate. Also test based on a weighted L2-distance. In the given report we develop theoretical and computer research of this goodness of fit tests for the dose-effect relationship. The asymptotic normality of the corresponding test statistic is established under the null hypothesis. The obtained results can be used for interlaboratory comparison of results of effective dose estimation. A simple simulation study demonstrates that the moderate sample size properties of this procedure are reasonable.
Title of the Paper: Risk Management in Military Mobile Communications
Authors: L. Lukas
Pages: 119-126
Abstract: Military Communication Systems (MCS) are a key element of Command and Control. MCS provide data transmission for Combat Information Systems. Situation awareness would be impossible without its proper functioning. The battle usage of MCS requires new planning and control approaches. Risk Management is a new approach which improves the timeliness and resilience of MCS. Risk Management is aimed at new ways of planning and managing business continuity during a combat deployment. Risk Mapping tools improve the planning process. Risk Management ensures business continuity management during a combat deployment. Risk Analysis and Risk Assessment are the most important points of this approach. A number of methods are suitable for Risk Analysis purposes. The FMEA method is a suitable method for Risk Management in MCS battle-usage. This article analyzes the Risk Management options to improve the resilience and timeliness of Military Mobile Communications.
Title of the Paper: Design of Intelligent Decision Support Systems in Agriculture
Authors: Petr Hanzlík, František Kožíšek, Josef Pavlíček
Pages: 113-118
Abstract: This article describes the role of decision support systems (DSS) in agriculture, with a special emphasis to the aspects of DSS architecture and design. Based on existing research studies, an overview of factors that are crucially important for acceptance of agricultural DSS is provided. Based on these premises, a client-server agent-based architecture of DSS is presented. The server part of the solution is discussed in details with respect to the knowledge model and knowledge engine construction and integration, and demonstrated on a case study of plant-leaf recognition agent. In relationship with identified lack of relevant training data for intelligent agents, a strategy for creating a feedback link is discussed, which enables the DSS to maintain its quality over the time, and continually improve its performance.
Title of the Paper: Performance Assessment of All-Reduce Communication Operation in OTIS-Mesh Optoelectronic Architecture
Authors: Basel A. Mahafzah, Sami I. Serhan, Ruby Y. Tahboub
Pages: 103-112
Abstract: As a barrier synchronization communication operation, all-reduce communication operation is used in many parallel and distributed algorithms. In this paper, the all-reduce communication operation is developed using Extended Dominating Node (EDN) approach on OTIS-Mesh (Optical Transpose Interconnection System Mesh) optoelectronic architecture. Also, the performance assessment of all-reduce communication operation is presented mathematically and by simulation in terms of number of communication steps, latency, and latency improvement; among three optoelectronic architectures: the single-port OTIS-Mesh, all-port OTIS-Mesh, and all-port EDN-OTIS-Mesh. The obtained mathematical and simulation results show that the all-reduce communication operation on all-port EDN-OTIS-Mesh significantly outperforms the single-port and all-port OTIS-Mesh.
Title of the Paper: Modelling of Precipitation Extremes Using Parametric and Nonparametric Methods with Automated Threshold Selection
Authors: Jan Holesovsky, Michal Fusek, Jaroslav Michalek
Pages: 94-102
Abstract: When dealing with extreme values estimation, the threshold models are often used. However, a proper threshold selection is one of the problems which have to be solved. In this paper, we concentrate on this issue in order to compare an automated threshold selection based on multiple-threshold model with double bootstrap technique based on semiparametric estimation. Both estimation procedures are compared using simulations. A case study is carried out to evaluate estimations of intensity-duration-frequency curves which represent commonly used hydrological tool. A special attention is also paid to the assessment of an impact of the series length on the estimation quality.
Title of the Paper: Instrumental Analysis of Hybrid Systems with PDE
Authors: Yu. V. Shornikov, A. V. Bessonov, M. S. Myssak, D. N. Dostovalov
Pages: 85-93
Abstract: A class of hybrid systems (HS) with modal behavior specified on the class of systems with partial differential equations (PDE) is considered. Architecture of instrumental environment for simulation of complex dynamic and hybrid systems is given. Syntax-oriented facilities for the considered problems specification are proposed. Algorithms of finite difference method for the transition from PDE to ordinary differential equations system are given. Universal data structure for storing HS models has been designed and proved. Algorithms of variable step with accuracy and stability control of numerical scheme for solving high-dimensional Cauchy problems are proposed. The algorithms are based on explicit methods of Runge-Kutta type. Sequential and parallel implementation of numerical methods is presented. The example of specification and analysis of reaction-diffusion problem is given.
Title of the Paper: The Heating Sensor PIR Detector by Radiation and its Computer Simulation
Authors: R. Drga, D. Janáčová, H. Charvátová, V. Vašek
Pages: 77-84
Abstract: In the security industry is the most commonly used PIR detector. At its behaviour is focused in this work. It was necessary to design a mathematical model of heat sensor simulation and thermal behaviour of the sensor in COMSOL Multiphysics environment followed by verification of the proposed mathematical model. Theoretical and mathematical conclusions became the basis for the subsequent implementation of workplace IR radiation for measuring the properties of radiation sources and sensors, in particular spatial characteristics PIR detectors.
Title of the Paper: Restrictions to Time Constructions of UCM Formal Model and their Translation Into Basic Protocols Language
Authors: Pavel Drobintsev, Igor Nikiforov, Nikita Voinov, Vsevolod Kotlyarov, Alexandr Letichevsky
Pages: 69-76
Abstract: The paper is devoted to approach of semantics adjustment for UCM (Use Case Maps) time and multithread constructions and their translation into Basic Protocols notation. Analysis of specification languages is presented. Based on the analysis UCM language is selected as the most perspective, powerful and user friendly language for development of software systems formal models. A set of UCM constructions are described in the scope of the paper these are multithreading, delays and interruptions. UCM language is very powerful, but semantically incorrect models still can be created for described constructions. Authors propose a set of extensions and limitations which allow to solve problem of incorrect models creation. Results of proposed limitation implementation in a set of projects are presented.
Title of the Paper: The Optimization of the Educational Process of Security Technologies, Systems and Management
Authors: P. Svoboda, B. Svobodova, J. Sevcik
Pages: 65-68
Abstract: In this article, a research focused on the needs of private security industry is presented. In the first part of the paper the research of the PSI knowledge can be found, whereas the second part contains proposal of educational simulators for improving the PSI knowledge. The research presented in this paper is based on the research in Tomas Bata University in Zlin and European Training Standards for private security industry.
Title of the Paper: MoCap – The Advantages of Accelerometers and Accuracy Improvement
Authors: Nikolay Todorov Kostov, Slava Milanova Yordanova, Yasen Dimchev Kalchev
Pages: 60-64
Abstract: Using MEMS accelerometers in MoCap systems offers great advantages over the other systems. One must know that no system is perfect and every one of them is good for acertain project. Improving the accuracy of measurement with accelerometers is an important factor for high quality and real-time animation.
Title of the Paper: Computer Simulation of Parameterized Module for Testing of Thermal Stability in the Room
Authors: Hana Charvátová, Martin Zálešák, Stanislav Sehnálek, Dagmar Janáčová, Vladimír Vašek, Rudolf Drga
Pages: 53-59
Abstract: The paper deals with the development of multi-functional software application for testing the thermal stability of modern intelligent buildings using commercial software tools for simulation of physical processes. It describes method designed to parameterize the simulation module for the temperature distribution in a room heated by two heat sources by using COMSOL Multiphysics software. A parameterized model allows you to change the requirements of the geometric dimensions of all elements of the module and Their spatial distribution, as well as a choice of physical properties and pasting real measured data needed to assess the distribution of temperature in the room depending on the ambient temperature and the heat input of the considered sources. Parameterization enables to insert all necessary data into COMSOL Multiphysics by using external txt files, which can be up to this end through a sub-application. Connecting COMSOL Multiphysics to a sub-application allows comfortable loading parameters to external users via a web interface without knowledge of the work environment in COMSOL Multiphysics.
Title of the Paper: PID Design with Bio-Inspired Intelligent Algorithms for High Order Systems
Authors: Ilir Juniku, Petraq Marango
Pages: 44-52
Abstract: In this paper we have proposed the application of PSO and BFO intelligent algorithms to find the optimal parameters of a PID controller, applied in the control of a high order process. The case of PID design for high order systems with time delay is also considered, since time delays introduce problems in the stability and performance of the control system. A fixed parallel structure of PID controller and four most common integral performance indexes are considered as optimization functions in this paper. The evaluation of the proposed methods is performed by using the classical performance measures in time domain.
Title of the Paper: Study on Processing and Georeferencing of Historical Features
Authors: Ondrej Gojda, Petr Hanzlik, Dana Klimesova
Pages: 35-43
Abstract: Cropmarks offer a unique opportunity for visual discovery of buried historical (archaeological) features. These markings in landscape are mostly visible from proper perspective and overview. Aerial photographs are thus often used in finding them. Identification, characterization, and geographical localization of these objects currently require a high level of human interaction. The authors combine a specific knowledge from the fields of image processing, pattern recognition, and geographic information systems to design a robust procedure for semi-automated historical feature mapping. The main aim of this paper is to describe a technique for preprocessing high resolution aerial image data and to propose an intelligent system capable of recognition and classification of cropmarks. The cropmarks identified this way are consequently converted to polygons and mapped into a geographic information system (GIS). This research is an important step in automating the construction of archaeology-focused GIS, which support the protection of cultural heritage.
Title of the Paper: Computing Approximately Minimal Diagnostic Tests
Authors: Xenia Naidenova, Vladimir Parkhomenko, Alexander Rudenko
Pages: 29-34
Abstract: An algorithm based on mining approximate classification tests is considered. A process of analogical reasoning based on mining these classification tests is described. Implementation of the algorithm is developing specially for machine learning problems in medicine, forest and motor industry. Some new future development directions of the system called DEFINE are advanced. Some examples of the system application are given.
Title of the Paper: Dynamic Compilation as a Very Fast Mathematic Parser in .NET
Authors: Petr Čápek, Erik Král
Pages: 21-28
Abstract: This work aims to investigate how to use the process of a dynamic compilation as a very fast mathematic parser. Firstly, it focuses on describing the process of a standard compilation in .NET platform and describing how a parser engine works. The core of this work is the implementation of our own mathematic parser which is based on a dynamic compilation to provide a very fast mathematic parser engine. This implementation is compared to existing mathematic parser libraries using various benchmarks.
Title of the Paper: Intelligent Document Clustering for Big Data Applications
Authors: A. Senthil Karthick Kumar, A. M. J. Mohamed Zubair Rahman, M. Thangamani
Pages: 14-20
Abstract: The increase in number of documents worldwide increases the difficulty for classifying those documents according to these needs. To retrieve the document traditional approaches has limited practical applicability. In order to improve the performance of document clustering, ontologies are playing important vital role in business intelligent. This research explores an approach to develop and use ontology in providing a semantically rich knowledge representation for intelligent information retrieval. The outcome of this approach is to establish common vocabulary to access library information intelligently by genetic fuzzy clustering.
Title of the Paper: A Comparison of the Performance of a Mathematic Expression Parser in Heat Load Modelling
Authors: Erik Král, Petr Čápek
Pages: 9-13
Abstract: This article presents a comparison of the performance of a Mathematical Expression Parser in Heat Load Modelling for a District Heating System. Many simulation problems are connected to dynamic function compositions. We have developed a simulation tool for heat load prediction with a user interface build as an excel add-in. A composition pattern and a mathematic math expression parser are compared in this article.
Title of the Paper: A New Technique of Equivalent Circuit Modeling for Micro Electret Vibration Power Generators
Authors: Keiji Nakabayashi, Tamiyo Nakabayashi
Pages: 1-8
Abstract: We present a new technique of equivalent circuit modeling technique for micro electret vibration power generators. It characterizes the electro-mechanical behavior of the power generators, and expresses as an equivalent circuit model. We explain the technique and implement the equivalent circuit model to a circuit simulator, called LTSPICE. Our experimental results demonstrate that our equivalent circuit model is very accurate. They also reveal that our technique has the capability of dealing with the practical industrial circuit design and circuit analysis.