International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development
E-ISSN: 2074-1308
Volume 9, 2015
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Volume 9, 2015
Title of the Paper: Piecewise Kriging Metamodeling
Authors: Husam Hamad, Ala’a Bani Irshaid
Pages: 206-212
Abstract: Approximation models are used to replace simulators to reduce computation time for engineering system design. These approximation models are called metamodels or surrogate models. For design spaces with wide and complex variation, partitioning the whole design space into multi subregions (pieces), then constructing a metamodel for each piece reduces complexity of variation and enhances accuracy of the resulting piecewise metamodel. In this paper a piecewise-Kriging metamodel methodology is proposed, whereby partitioning of the design variables space is based on using data displays called ordinal plots. These plots are constructed from the same validation samples that are used to test the accuracy of an initial and other intermediate global-Kriging metamodels, thus requiring no additional simulation runs. Comparisons with global-Kriging metamodels having equivalent accuracy show that the piecewise-Kriging metamodels are generated at lower computational costs in terms of the simulation runs used.
Title of the Paper: Social Network Analysis Framework in Telecom
Authors: Mona Saleh Amer
Pages: 201-205
Abstract: This paper is based on a project prototype that uses Social Network Analysis (SNA) in the telecommunication industry to detect the communities of subscribers (business, friends and family communities), identify the most influential customers in the network who can spread positive or negative messages through the network and recommend best customer acquisitions to be targeted by marketing campaigns. The project is based on a real dataset of 100,000 customers of an Egyptian Communication Service Provider (CSP). It is implemented by two Technical professionals working for an Egyptian CSP, seventeen students and two technical professionals working for Information Technology Institute (ITI). The objective of this paper is to present a prototype that can be used by telecom operators to increase cross-selling and up-selling products and reduce marketing costs using SNA with very low cost compared to available SNA market products. The proposed business value of this prototype is believed to be: 1) Optimized marketing campaigns by targeting the segment of customers that is most likely to be interested in a product/service instead of targeting the whole bases. 2) Increase cross-selling and up-selling of products and services by utilizing existing customers’ word of mouth using viral marketing. 3) Better customer value management and increased customer satisfaction.
Title of the Paper: Modeling the Precipitation of Bidisperse Suspension with Allowance for the Aggregation of Clusters of Various Fractions
Authors: D. Dairabay, V. Golubev, L. Musabekova, B. Korganbayev
Pages: 197-200
Abstract: The paper deals with the mathematical model for describing processes of simultaneous aggregation and sedimentation of dispersed phases from bidisperse suspensions. The submitted model allows to calculate of almost all the main characteristics of the process of bidisperse suspension sedimentation, taking into account aggregation of two fractions and formation of the phase of aggregates clusters. These processes play an important role in many industrial processes and natural phenomena.
Title of the Paper: PID Controller Tuning Based on the Guardian Map Technique
Authors: Tanya Boone, Gerardo Romero, David Lara, Irma Pérez, Aldo Méndez, Alberto Reyna, Jaime Ramos
Pages: 192-196
Abstract: Proportional + Integral + Derivative (PID) controllers are the the base of industrial automation today. The key issue in PID tuning is finding the suitable parameters to obtain a good close loop performance. Most of PID controllers are tuned manually and the derivative gain Kd is often turned off because if its difficult to find values that give a robust system. There are different methods for tuning PID controllers, but in this paper will be use de computation of the ultimate gain and period in order to get the suitable parameters selection of the PID controller. To do this, we are going to apply the Guardian Map concept. An application to a particular process will be considered in order to validate the proposed method.
Title of the Paper: Application Support for Tactical and Technical Control of Artillery Units – PVNPG-14M
Authors: Martin Blaha, Milan Kalina, Karel Šilinger
Pages: 186-191
Abstract: This paper is focused on Application support for tactical and technical control of artillery units – PVNPG-14M, especially on setting a method of determination of Fire for Effect firing data in the perspective of automated artillery fire support control system. Artillery units of the Army of the Czech Republic, reflecting the current global security neighborhood, can be used outside the Czech Republic. The paper presents principles, evolution and functionality in the process of complete preparation, from results arising from creating a fictional auxiliary target; by using an adjustment gun; abridged preparation and simplified preparation. The paper presents expertise using of application of current Artillery communication and information system and suggests the perspective future system.
Title of the Paper: Investigation on Multiple Regime Shifts and Early Warning Detection in Coupled Socio-Ecological Network
Authors: Hendrik Santoso Sugiarto, Lock Yue Chew, Ning Ning Chung, Choy Heng Lai
Pages: 174-185
Abstract: The interaction between social and ecological system has become more common nowadays. Complex coupling between these systems can create multiple stable states which possess the danger of a collapse in social cooperation and resources availability. In this paper, we investigate the effects of social network properties on the stability of the system. The modification of hysteresis structure of the system as we vary the social network properties signifies the intimate relationship between the underlying connection of social interaction and the stability of the coupled socio-ecological system. In particular, we want to highlight the characteristic of multiple regime shifts which exist in social network with certain community structures. This characteristic indicates the strength of local collective effects in preventing a collapse of cooperation within the community. Moreover, we have also explored into the accuracies of both temporal and spatial indicators in the detection of early warning signals prior to the impending regime shift. Our results have demonstrated that spatial indicators are more accurate and robust than temporal indicators for early warning detection with respect to changes that arise in the connectivity of social interaction.
Title of the Paper: Simulation of Conveyor System Loading
Authors: Peep Miidla, Jens Haug
Pages: 167-173
Abstract: Simulation of loading control of conveyor system in mine industry is under consideration. Real complex conveyor system is replaced with virtual system of conveyors and spatial domain is replaced with time domain. Developed algorithm computes the time to the start of unload for loaders which arrive at underground loading points randomly. Main control and computing criteria are achieving optimal efficiency of the whole system and to avoid overloading of the system. Proposed algorithm allows prompt operational modifications of the system configuration by the supervising human operator and includes solutions for possible technical bottlenecks and emergency situations which can appear in real system. Loading permissions for loader drivers are computed on the base of fist-in-first-out queuing. Communication between server and loading points uses RFID equipment.
Title of the Paper: Design and Testing of a Biomimetic Fish Robot with Rapid Prototyping
Authors: Zhiqin Qian, Hongzhou Liu, Zhuming Bi
Pages: 159-166
Abstract: One of the identified research needs in the field of robotics is to develop biomimetic robots for various applications, whose functionalities can be competitive to these of the creatures in nature. Many biomimetic robots have been proposed; while very few of them are cost-effective with their commercial values. We are motivated to develop a biomimetic fish robot at a low-cost in multiple ways: (1) customizing electromagnetic drives, (2) rapid prototyping robotic body to have best shape to accommodate parts, and (3) optimizing geometrics and volume based on power consumption. The robot possesses four degrees of freedom (DoF) to move freely in a 3-D space. In this paper, the mechanical structure, motion control, and the communication for human-robot-interaction of the robot are introduced in details. The conceptual robot has been prototyped and tested, and the experiments have proven the feasibility of our design concept and the innovations in (1) customizing electromagnetic actuators for a fish robot and (2) involving a human operator in the control system to reduce the sensing needs and increase the robot’s capability to deal with uncertainties. The fish robot is miniaturized greatly in contrast to other counter-partners. The proposed design concept can be extended and used in the development of other biomimetic robots.
Title of the Paper: Maritime Vessel Tracking with an Ensemble of WiSARD Classifiers in Video
Authors: Rodrigo da Silva Moreira, Nelson Francisco Favilla Ebecken
Pages: 152-158
Abstract: Ships are vulnerable when they are moored in bays and ports or when they sail in high risk areas due to a low capacity to perform maneuvers and the restrictive laws of certain countries to prevent radar sensor usage. The development of a video surveillance system is necessary to curb drug trafficking and ilegal immigration, avoid collisions and support other sensor types. This paper proposes a maritime vessel tracker named EWRN (Ensemble Wizard’s Rodrigo Nelson), composed of an ensemble of WiSARD weightless neural network classifiers. A failure detector analyzes vessel movement with a Kalman filter and corrects the tracking, if necessary, using FFT matching. The use of the WiSARD neural network to track objects is uncommon. The additional contributions of the present study include: a performance comparison between EWRN and four state of the art trackers, an experimental study of the features that improve maritime vessel tracking, the first use of an ensemble of classifiers to track maritime vessels and a new quantization algorithm that compares the values of pixel pairs.
Title of the Paper: Design and Implementation of Action Research on Documentary Film Production Course
Authors: Chien-Chih Lin, Feng-Chia Chuang, Ta-Hsiang Hu, Ching-Mu Chen
Pages: 144-151
Abstract: This study reviewed and found the general existing phenomenon of students in domestic vocational system in Taiwan is market-oriented economic direction of vocational education, which lead to the overemphasizing on technical base by the school, over-focusing on the techniques as the fundamental occupational capability, stressing on techniques more than mental cultivation. Although the Video Communication Department of school which served by the researcher has gained the awarding of National Documentary Competition continuously in three years, there still exist issues that students are lacking in concept to treat people as the main body to proceed the social critique in rationality and other dimensions for their degrees in depth and width This kind of crisis deserves deeply consideration of teachers in documentary film production. According to the researcher’s observation on students in the Taiwan domestic vocational system to their creation in documentary film, the existing general phenomena are: (1) based on the convenience, usually take family agenda and private agenda as the subject for creation and ignore the system levels of human daily life and the public agenda on the society level due to these big agenda are beyond the control of students which results in submergence of documentary by the populating and temporary agendas of major media. (2) Usually have a bias toward technical performance and ignore the most important meaning and context of documentary. (3) Take the documentary as no commercial profitable value, focus on profitable performance and stress on efficiency, and prefer quick accomplishment. As with the Department of the school which served by the researcher, Feature film, Documentary film, and animated cartoon are threshold of students in our Department for graduation. There is only 1~2 documentary films with most of the others are autobiographic and family memory. And, the represented modes in the documentary are all provided by realistic sentimental emotion as the major content. Although it could be shared the view-point about life value with the recorded person and the audience but almost there is seldom appearing those evolvements in social critique and social practice.
Title of the Paper: Comparison of PID and LQR Controllers on a Quadrotor Helicopter
Authors: Demet Canpolat Tosun, Yasemin Işık, Hakan Korul
Pages: 136-143
Abstract: This paper focuses on a quadrotor model, named as Qball-X4 developed by Quanser. The quadrotor simulation model includes both linear and nonlinear X, Y, and Z position, roll/pitch and yaw dynamics. The objective is to determine the control strategy that to delivers better performance with respect to quadrotor’s desired attitudes. The Linear Quadratic Regulator (LQR) and PID control techniques are used to control the height, X and Y position, yaw and roll/pitch angle. The results of position control are obtained through simulations to reach desired attitudes. Various simulation parameters have been tested to demonstrate the validity of the proposed controllers and the effectiveness of the reconfigurable controller designs in LQR and PID control. Comparative simulation results are presented for the position controls along X, Y, and Z axis, roll/pitch and yaw angles of the Qball-X4.
Title of the Paper: On line Implementation of a Structural Health Monitoring System
Authors: Massimo Viscardi, Romeo Di Leo
Pages: 129-135
Abstract: The concept of predictive maintenance, whose application became every day more and more diffused was born some years ago. The fundamental idea on which the predictive maintenance is based on is the monitoring of specific parameters that can supply useful information on the system state of health. In the presented application, vibrational levels represent one of these parameters and relative continuous monitoring is proposed. In the specific FRF functions have been indicated as monitoring functions. The presented application will show an on-line implementaion of the proposed approach, with experimental results related to a laboratory test article whose results have demonstrated the validity of the proposed idea.
Title of the Paper: An Efficient Large Eddy Simulation (LES) Methodology for Jet Aeroacoustics – Recent Developments
Authors: Kurt Aikens, Nitin Dhamankar, Gregory Blaisdell, Anastasios Lyrintzis
Pages: 120-128
Abstract: Jet noise is an important issue due to the concerns of people living or working in the vicinity of airports. Increased commercial air traffic, penalty fees for noisier aircraft, stringent noise regulations, and military operational requirements are issues that need to be addressed. Processing speeds and memory limitations of existing supercomputers limit the faithfulness of these simulations. Thus the simulations are not accurate enough to allow design and testing of noise reduction strategies. In order to simulate realistic situations very fine grids (e.g. on the order of tens of billions of points) are sometimes needed, requiring significant computational resources. Thus very efficient algorithms are needed. An efficient, petascalable code has been developed based on the large eddy simulation (LES) technique. It is a multi-block structured solver capable of using cylindrical grids and simulating both subsonic jets and supersonic jets with shock waves. Recent advancements have targeted improved prediction accuracy by enabling inclusion of nozzle geometries in simulations. A digital filter-based approximate turbulent inflow boundary condition is used and can be coupled with several noslip wall boundary conditions for the nozzle walls. A wall model is employed in the nozzle walls to save computational time. Finally, a ghost-point-based immersed boundary method is implemented to allow simulation of complex nozzle shapes that show promise of noise reduction, e. g. chevrons, lobed mixers, beveling, and corrugations. We will show validation efforts highlighting recent
Title of the Paper: The Finite Volume Method in Incompressible Fluid Flow Simulation: Flow in the Gap Between Cone and Cylinder
Authors: E. Kornaeva, L. Savin, V. Arkhipov, A. Kornaev
Pages: 115-119
Abstract: The goal of this work is to research the mathematical model of the laminar flow of viscous incompressible fluid in the gap between the static outer cone (stator) and the rotating inner cylinder (rotor). This mathematical model is based on the Navier-Stokes and the continuity equations. Numerical solution is based on the finite volume approach. The results are compared with particular results calculated by other authors and with analytical solutions for asymptotic cases.
Title of the Paper: Integration of TLS and Thermography for the Morphometric Characterization
Authors: V. Barrile, G. M. Meduri, G. Bilotta
Pages: 110-114
Abstract: The laser scanner is a detection technique essential for the 3D modeling of objects and it is well known its capability to acquire large amounts of data relatively in short times with a high degree of precision. So it is widespreadly used in broader research's fields from engineering to medicine and to the study and protection of cultural heritage. Through integration with other radiometric techniques you can get an overview on the state of conservation, particularly with the three-dimensional models obtained by integrating 3D laser scanner data with images obtained with the infrared camera, that is able to deliver, over the dimensional characterization, also information on possible anomalies, dimensional and in shape, invisible to human eyes and other techniques. In particular, this application with the integrated use of terrestrial laser scanning instrumentation and advanced infrared camera can test a possible use for cars, after packaging and transport, in order to detect any damage caused by transport.
Title of the Paper: Modal Parameter Identification Using Particle Swarm Optimization
Authors: M. El-Kafafy, A. Elsawaf, B. Peeters, T. Vampola, P. Guillaume
Pages: 103-109
Abstract: In this paper, the applicability of Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) to identify the modal parameters will be tested. PSO is a heuristic optimization method which does not require the calculation of the error derivatives with respect to the model parameters hence the Jacobian matrix formulation is not required. The modal parameters will estimated by optimizing the modal model using PSO in order to decrease the error between the modal model and the measured frequency response functions (FRFs) of the structure under test. The applicability of PSO to optimize the modal model is evaluated by means of real-life measurement example.
Title of the Paper: Control of the Reaction Forces of the Lubricant Film in the Journal Hybrid Bearing
Authors: Leonid Savin, Denis Shutin, Roman Polyakov, Alexander Babin
Pages: 98-102
Abstract: For the rotor systems which operate under complex conditions, it is quite topical to use the active bearings which allow to quickly adjust the displacement of the rotor. The most important problem here is control the reaction forces of the bearing, which determine to position of the rotor. In the active journal hybrid bearings this is achieved by means of controlling the lubricant supply pressure. On the basis of the mathematical model of the bearing the research was carried out on the relationship between the reaction forces and the pressure in the feeding chambers. The results of the study show the possibility to control the value and the direction of the reaction forces in the active journal hybrid bearing, and the linearity of the relationship between the reaction forces and the pressure distribution of the lubricant in the feeding chambers.
Title of the Paper: GSI & CICT as Coupled Resource for Multi-Scale System Biology and Biomedical Engineering Modeling
Authors: Rodolfo A. Fiorini
Pages: 93-97
Abstract: To grasp a more reliable representation of reality and to get more resilient and antifragile system development techniques, researchers and scientists need two intelligently articulated hands: both stochastic and combinatorial approaches synergically articulated by natural coupling. The Geometric Science of Information (GSI) coupled to Computational Information Conservation Theory (CICT) can offer an effective framework to develop more competitive reality modeling. The first attempt to identify basic principles to get stronger modeling solution for scientific application has been developing at Politecnico di Milano University since the 1990s. This paper is a relevant contribute towards arbitrary multi-scale systems biology, biomedical engineering and computer science modeling, to show how GSI and CICT can offer stronger and more effective system modeling solutions for more reliable and resilient simulation.
Title of the Paper: How Situational Awareness can be Improved by Using Real-Time Video? Case: Simulated Natural Disaster at the Viksu 2014 Camp
Authors: Jussi Simola, Esa Jokinen, Jyri Rajamäki
Pages: 85-92
Abstract: Public safety authorities all over the world have recognized that the lack of interoperability of information and communication technology (ICT) systems limits the effectiveness of rescue operations. Whether natural or man-made, catastrophes can happen at any time, and with no warning. This creates major problems for public safety agencies set up by governments to provide for public protection and disaster relief (PPDR). The ability of these agencies to cope with unexpected disasters and emergencies of any scale is dependent upon the infrastructure and support that they have in place for their day-to-day operations. Need of overall situational awareness has increased during the past decades. Research data of this case study consists of a literature review, interviews, on-field observations and discussions during an exercise, where a technology providing live video was tested during simulated natural disaster at the Viksu 2014 Young Firefighters Camp. The results of the study indicate that watching real-time video ties persons down and they cannot participate in operational action at the same time. Different departments has their own situation centers, which means that the same real-time picture has to be available for every organization involved. The amount of situation centers affects the distribution of resources, organizing and forming of the situational awareness. A command center requires more than one person to manage situational information flow. Responders are usually carrying their own smartphones on the field. Used solutions enable PPDR officials and partners install and deploy applications easily. Applications might allow first responders to use their own smartphones for emergency communications in situations where communication with primary network becomes difficult. Decision-makers must establish priorities for response in large-scale disaster when the total demand for rescue services is greater than the PPDR organization's capacity to respond. Distributed real-time video improves decision support systems by allowing command center to allocate resources in the right proportion.
Title of the Paper: Permeability Simulations in Textiles
Authors: K. Adamek
Pages: 77-84
Abstract: The paper deals with numerical flow simulation in permeable textile structures and their combinations. Permeability parameters are evaluated from permeability measuring on such real structures and combinations. The flow inside of the permeable volume is explained by numerical flow simulation. The received images of flowfields give a good idea about the behavior of the studied structure at the intended purpose. Several examples are presented here – the permeability of thick yarn layer, wound on the bobbin, permeability of combined multi-layer clothing under wind effect and condition for water vapor condensation in such multi-layer clothing.
Title of the Paper: Consideration the Work Cell Conceptual Model for Increasing the Flexibility of Manufacturing
Authors: I. O. Popp
Pages: 68-76
Abstract: In this paper it is described a generic system architecture for increasing the flexibility of manufacturing systems; there is also briefly explained how to configure the different resource modules that actually control the tasks of the physical device and put together a work cell consisting of other FMS resources. Using the principles of distributed object technology there could be implemented each resource in the work cell as a distributed object. A resource, modelled as a distributed object, has a well-defined interface, describing the data and the methods that it supports. A distributed object can execute either on the same computer or another networked computer. Finally, an example on building a FMS using a hierarchical approach is presented.
Title of the Paper: Critical Facilities Safety
Authors: D. Prochazkova
Pages: 60-67
Abstract: The paper describes the critical facilities safety. On the basis of principles of strategic integral safety management in the dynamically variable world it gives historical development of concepts of engineering trade-off with risks and it shows their criticalities with regard to public assets obtained by the Multiatribute Utility Theory. It presents results of deep research, i.e.: model of work with risks; process model for ensuring the critical facility safety (five steps based on application of All-Hazard Approach and approach Defence-In-Depth); process model of critical facility management during its life cycle with six processes and their sub-processes; and programme for critical facility safety upgrading in a context of integral safety directed to existence, security and development of humans.
Title of the Paper: An Ontology Based Approach to Traffic Management in Urban Areas
Authors: Hamza Toulni, Benayad Nsiri, Mohammed Boulmalf, Tayeb Sadiki
Pages: 54-59
Abstract: Transportation plays an important role in economic and social development and can be a powerful catalyst for growth and development. However, the rapid growth of cities and increasing population mobility have produced a rapid increase in the number of vehicles on the roads, this involves several problems, particularly in terms of road safety, and waste of time and pollution. The construction and expansion of roads are solutions to address these problems and improve the performance of the road circulation, but these solutions are very expensive and also they require more space and permanent maintenance. An alternative would be to use the new technologies in the field of communication for sending traffic information such as treacherous road conditions and accident sites by communicating, for a more efficient use of existing infrastructure. In this paper, we propose an approach based on ontologies and we will use VANET as a transmission system to retrieve traffic information and to ensure the transmission of messages, which can help drivers in order to have a better trip.
Title of the Paper: Stabilizing Time Delay Systems with Prespecified Gain and Phase Margins by Lead-Lag Controllers
Authors: N. Ben Hassen, K. Saadaoui, M. Benrejeb
Pages: 47-53
Abstract: In this paper, the problem of stabilizing a class of time delay systems by phase lead-lag controllers is investigated. One of the controller’s parameter is first determined by a necessary condition based on Kharitonov’s lemma. Then, the stabilizing regions in the space of the remaining parameters, for a fixed value of the first parameter, are determined using the Decomposition method. By sweeping over the first parameter the complete set of stability regions in the space of the controller can be identified. Further, gain margin and phase margin specifications are added in the design and robust phase lead-lag controllers are sought. Illustrative examples are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed procedure.
Title of the Paper: Methods of Software Integration of Alarm Systems
Authors: Jan Valouch
Pages: 42-46
Abstract: This article describes software integration methods of integrated alarm systems. The key output of the article is the proposal of classification of functions and methods of software integration for integrated alarm systems. The methods of software integration are based on linking of separate applications via a communication bus, and their control, management and visualization are providing by software products, which are installed on an external computer (server, client PC) or at unattended control centers equipped with the necessary software. Integration of the alarm systems is a modern way of using the current technological capability elements of intruder alarm system, camera systems, access control and hold-up alarm systems.
Title of the Paper: Approach for ID Recognition in Person Identification Systems
Authors: Mariana T. Stoeva, Sivo V. Daskalov, Krasimir D. Dimitrov
Pages: 38-41
Abstract: The proposed approach enables automatic recognition from Identification Document (ID) images. The approach is invariant in terms of scaling and rotation of the input. It includes three main stages of data processing: initial image preparation, automated setup of the parameters of a chosen filter and main working mode of the system for ID identification.
Title of the Paper: Product Design Specification Methodology for Building a Device Foil Incremental Deformation by Double Point Method Dieless-DPIF
Authors: Gabriel Paramo Bermudez, Juan Alejandro García, Adrian Benitez Lozano
Pages: 32-37
Abstract: The new manufacturing technologies of the world are increasingly demanding the design and redesign of new alternative products and processes that can be useful and low-cost term. The alternative solution and methodology to innovate in manufacturing processes of incremental sheet metal forming is shown in this paper, even the black box for device and functional structure for Dieless process. Through the methodology Product design specification (PDS) as a practical and effective solution, describes the design step, specific requirements, materials and building process to achieve a device´s architecture for a sheet metal deformation by two-point method Dieless - DPIF. The selection, simplification and functionality analysis becomes a fundamental objective for design engineers.
Title of the Paper: Novel Approach to Dataset Proposal Techniques
Authors: Jiri Sevcik
Pages: 27-31
Abstract: There are several approaches how to evaluated effectiveness of Intelligent Video Surveillance System. Functions of the particular tools are described in detail and the qualitative analyse of them has been executed in order to extend current form of the EN 50 132 appendixes, where the specific monitored locations are defined. On the basis of qualitative assessment of these locations the particular tools are assigned to locations in order to increase the efficiency of the whole surveillance system. General Intelligent Video analytics Algorithms evaluation techniques review is contained in the first part of this research paper. Moreover, brief analysis of recent methods and unique evaluation dataset proposal methodology are provided. Finally, detailed procedure of developing dataset annotation is described and applied.
Title of the Paper: Method to Operate a System for Automatic Categorization/Degradation in Low Visibility Operations of an Airport Runway
Authors: Pedro Vitor
Pages: 19-26
Abstract: The operation of an airport in low visibility requires complex procedures involving the monitorization of equipment, usually performed manually and named Low Visibility Procedures (LVP). This paper presents a method to operate a system for automatic categorization/degradation in low visibility operations of an airport runway. The method is based on a set of actions that aim to support the airport controllers to facilitate the operational procedures. The real implementation of the method was performed by hardware and software with appropriate redundancies that has been developed, tested, installed, certified and operationalized in Lisbon Airport, proving the utility of the system to improve the safety of an airport.
Title of the Paper: Combinatorial Optimization Modeling Approach for One-Dimensional Cutting Stock Problems
Authors: Ivan C. Mustakerov, Daniela I. Borissova
Pages: 13-18
Abstract: The paper describes an combinatorial optimization modeling approach to one-dimensional cutting stock problem. The investigated problem seeks to determine the optimal length of the blanks and the optimum cutting pattern of each blank to meet the requirement for a given number of elements with different lengths. Blanks of particular type are offered with equal size in large quantities and the goal is to find such optimal length of blanks that leads to minimal overall trim waste. To achieve that goal a combinatorial optimization approach is used for modeling of one-dimensional cutting stock problem. Numerical example of real-life problem is presented to illustrate the applicability of the proposed approach. It is shown that numerical example can be solved for reasonable time by Lingo Solver and MS Excel Solver.
Title of the Paper: Novel Approach to Intelligent Video Surveillance System Illumination Measurement
Authors: Jiri Sevcik, Petr Svoboda
Pages: 7-12
Abstract: Intelligent Video Surveillance Systems (IVSS) have been increasingly utilized as a tool to ensure security in growing amount of applications. The percentages of the areas which are covered through Video Surveillance Systems are continuously increasing. The various evaluation techniques are utilized in order to manage their effectiveness. The comparison study of lighting measurement possibilities are provided in this research paper. For the purposes of this experiment the case study of real IVSS design was realized. So the results were measured in environmental conditions equivalent to central climate zone. Magnitude and reason of such measurement is discussed in the initiate part. The second part is aimed to presentation of methods and instruments utilized for measurement. The particular results obtained within the two case studies are provided in final section, where two methods of measurement were utilized.
Title of the Paper: Simulation as a Tool for Debugging and Testing of Control Programs for Process Control Systems in Coal Mining
Authors: Victor Okolnishnikov, Sergey Rudometov, Sergey Zhuravlev
Pages: 1-6
Abstract: The article describes the use of the model integrated with an actual process control system for debugging and testing of control programs for this process control system. Three ways how to use the integrated model are considered. Control programs of the process control pumping system for a coal mine were debugged and tested using hardware-software test bench which includes the integrated model. The integrated model has been developed using a new visual interactive discrete simulation system specialized in simulation of technological processes. Some models of coal mining processes were developed. These models can be used for development of new mining robotized techniques.