International Journal of Education and Information Technologies
E-ISSN: 2074-1316
Volume 11, 2017
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Volume 11, 2017
Title of the Paper: BAIPAS: Distributed Deep Learning Platform with Data Locality and Shuffling
Authors: Mikyoung Lee, Sungho Shin, Seungkyun Hong, Sa-kwang Song
Pages: 190-195
Abstract: In this paper, we describe a distributed deep learning platform named BAIPAS, a Big Data and AI based Predication and Analysis System. Recently, research on deep learning using big data has been actively carried out. For deep learning to use big data, it takes a lot of time to learn with the training data. To reduce training time, there is a method that uses distributed deep learning framework. However, due to the size of storage, there is a problem that the full training data can’t be used for deep learning. When the big data is in external storage, training takes a long time because it requires additional training time due to network I/O and bottlenecks for data to be loaded during deep learning operations. To solve this problem, we propose BAIPAS with data locality module as a way to reduce training time with big data. In a cluster environment consisting of a master server and worker servers, the master server distributes training data to worker servers using optimal scheduling method. The goal of BAIPAS is support to enable to make effectively deep learning model, to easy install and monitoring of the platform. In order to provide fast training speed, data is distributed and stored in worker-server storage using data locality module, and then training is performed. The data locality module analyzes the training data and the state information of the worker servers. This distributes the data scheduling according to the available storage space of the worker server and the learning performance of the worker server. The worker server quickly performs training using training data (subset data) stored in the local storage. However, if each worker server conducts deep learning using the distributed training data, model overfitting may occur, which does not occur when the method of learning uses full training data set. To solve this problem, we applied a data shuffling method that moves already learned data to another worker server when training is performed. In this way, each worker server can contain the full training data set. BAIPAS uses Kubernetes and Docker to provide easy installation and monitoring of the platform. The master server used remote commands to install the distributed deep learning platform and the libraries and source code associated with the platform on the slave servers. It also monitored the resources of the slave servers to support efficient deep learning operations. It also provides pre-processing modules, management tools, automation of cluster creation, resource monitoring, and other resources; so developers can easily develop deep learning models.
Title of the Paper: Knowledge Management with Collaborative Technologies of the Prosumer Teacher
Authors: A. Karolina González Guerrero, B. Yaneth Patricia Caviativa Castro
Pages: 180-189
Abstract: Teacher immersed in the information society, has transformed their roles and competencies in the educational and research space as part of their work. The teacher evolves from the figure of e-learning, to the producer teacher, where research is mediated by the collaborative web (e-research). The present research aims to characterize the collaborative technologies and the principal functions of the prosumer teachers, used by teachers in higher education of the faculty of education at the University of Aveiro and University Military Nueva Granada . The methodology is qualitative with the use of focal groups, where the instrument of measurement is the interview that allows knowing points of view and arguments. The analysis carried out was one by analysis and emergent categories that allow contrasting: members of the research groups, the need to train teachers-prosumers and the impact that technologies could have on higher education.
Title of the Paper: Data Mining Citations to Predict Emerging Scientific Leaders and Citation Curves
Authors: Peter Z. Revesz
Pages: 171-179
Abstract: Identifying emerging scientific leaders using the rapidly and continuously growing scientific citation databases is an important challenge. Any researcher’s, yielding a citation curve. We describe a novel method for predicting many years ahead any researcher’s citation curve (the ordering from the highest-cited to the lowest-cited of the researcher’s publications). The method depends on treating the citation curves of researchers for various years as one single spatio-temporal function from rank and time to citations. For each researcher, we derive an estimate of this spatio-temporal function that can be used to predict the total citations of individual publications at any given rank at any time. This method can accurately predict entire citation curves and derived measures, such as, the total citations to all publications and the h-index of the researchers.
Title of the Paper: Using and Citation of 3D Modeling Software for 3D Printers
Authors: Radek Nemec
Pages: 160-170
Abstract: This article describes the use of 3D modeling software for 3D printers in scientific journals. The citation survey was carried out on 20 selected types of 3D modeling software in the Scholar search engine. The survey has been conducted over the last 5 years. The article, using clear graphs and tables, provides information on the amount of quotations of these selected types of 3D modeling software include the destricption of all of them software. This overview is intended to help choose 3D Modeling Software for 3D Printing.
Title of the Paper: Algorithmic Approach to Improve Democratic Systems
Authors: A. Arteta, Y. Zhao, L. F. Mingo, N. Gomez
Pages: 153-159
Abstract: The democratic system is understood and accepted as the fairest form of government in western countries. This is subject to little discussion. Nevertheless, citizens tend to be very critique with their rulers that ironically have been democratically elected. This paper firstly introduces and proves the problem that subtly relies in democratic systems presently by applying statistical concepts; then it proposes an algorithmic solution that provides an improvement and ultimately a fix to the previously detected problem. The right output, correctness and universal character of the algorithm are proven. In other words, our proposal increase the quality of the elected governments regardless their specific circumstances. The proposal is based in a reasoning framework, axioms, and other political scientist’s work. By applying the resulting solution in the current model, the democratic systems would clearly improve and it will be feasible to define democratic systems as the optimal way of ruling under any circumstance.
Title of the Paper: Developing Project Management Teaching: Evidence from a Hungarian Experiment
Authors: László Berényi, Bálint Blaskovics, Nikolett Deutsch
Pages: 143-152
Abstract: Project management is a core component of management education programs. However, there is a great deal of consensus on the phases of a project and on the main project management challenges, literature gives various frameworks with the different focus point. To improve the knowledge transfer during the lessons and seminars, learning materials and methods shall be adjusted to the continual changing conditions including recent business issues and the content of other courses. Project management courses were developed in the 1990s based on a Prussian approach to teaching, which has become overwhelmed over time. The paper summarizes the process and the results of an experiment for renewing the project management teaching at a Hungarian higher education institution. The evaluation of the headway is based on the results of students’ feedback regularly collected by the university. Experiences confirm that a well-assorted curriculum which involves case studies, modelling, simulations, guest lectures will increase both the understandability and the entertaining nature of the education. Although the available benefits are favorable, immediate results are not to expect. Continuous attention and capability for flexible interventions are required for being able to refine the course content and the teaching methods applied.
Title of the Paper: Spatial Skills of Preschool Children Supported by Game Application
Authors: Simona Pekarkova, Eva Milkova
Pages: 138-142
Abstract: In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in technology and its use in education. Many studies on mathematical and early mathematical competencies have been conducted in order to help establish the new field in education, pedagogy and also in science. The attitude towards how to define mathematics and how to teach mathematical competencies has been changing immensely during the last decade. Mathematical skills and spatial skills correlate with success in many areas. Comprehensive mathematics curricula targeted at preschool-aged children define knowledge in the new framework of early mathematical competencies. ICT might bring some critical benefits to early childhood education and to development of particular human cognitive abilities and skills. In the paper we focus on a research analyzing the benefits and impact of an educative multimedia application, a story-based game with contents related to visual differentiation and spatial skills, on preschool aged children’s spatial skills.
Title of the Paper: Digital Learning Environment: Experiences from Using video in Learning Process
Authors: Seppo J. Sirkemaa
Pages: 134-137
Abstract: Most teaching situations are relatively traditional and based on teaching in a classroom environment. Despite this, modern technology has gradually become a part of the learning process. Managing schedules, registers and communication between teachers and students are all relying on information technology. Furthermore, digital learning environments are important part of courses, providing learning material and exercises for all participating students. The actual teaching situation can still be a lecture taking place in classroom, where students are expected to be at a given time. Here we discuss the experiences from using video as part of the learning process. Clearly, video allows students to participate even if they have difficulties in attending lectures. If teaching is being recorded and archived preparing to exams, or checking how a difficult learning issue was clarified during lectures becomes possible. For the teacher video recording does not have to become a burden or require additional efforts. Our experiences are promising, and suggest increasing the use of video in learning situation.
Title of the Paper: Project-Based Learning in Basic Course of Technical Physics: Computer-Controlled Experiments and Agros2D Modeling
Authors: Michal Růžička, Michal Rejthárek, Štěpán Major
Pages: 123-133
Abstract: This paper is deals with exploit of Arduino microcomputers and finite element software Agros2D in basic course of hydromechanics. The Arduino is software and many hardware components and microcomputers developed for teaching robotics. The Arduino microcomputers such as UNO can be used to control experiments and also for subsequent data processing. In the case of hydromechanics, the microcomputer can used to control valves and flow-sensors in experimental devices intended to study fluid dynamics. This device was developed by students and it’s possibilities are discusses in the article. Because real liquids are compressible as well as material of pipeline is deformable. The system allows study effect flow rate of compressible liquid and other problems. Students can use software based on Finite Element Method for analysis of behavior of these effects. The Agros2D was chosen as suitable for students. This software was primarily developed for the educational purpose. This tool is utilized in learning of Finite Element Method. This software is able to solve complex problems described by partial differential equations. Both of these tools are appropriate for project-based learning, which form the basis for technical education. Experience shows that the students are interested in learning. Results of student tests shows, that the participants on this form of project-based learning achieve much better results in both, theoretical and practical tests (in mechanics, physics, informatics).
Title of the Paper: Analyze the Readiness for Acceptance to Practice an E-learning Experience
Authors: Adel Bessadok
Pages: 111-122
Abstract: The implementation of e-learning system in higher education institutions as an emerged technology will not guarantee its adoption by faculty members. In fact, the existence of technology alone is not enough in encouraging knowledge sharing behavior among users. The purpose of this study is to analyze the relationship between the perception of an e-learning experience as an emerged technology in higher education and the willingness to share this knowledge with staff members with their students. We characterized staff members’ perceptions of an e-learning experience as a new technology by including an individual’s psychological state of readiness and acceptance of technology; and to also practice this new experience with their students as an individual behavior. Technology Readiness Index and Technology Acceptance Model were integrated in order to explore staff members’ perceptions of technology. The practice of staff members of this new e-learning experience with their students was characterized by the knowledge sharing behavior. We analyzed the responses of 400 participants from staff members in higher education using structural equation modeling. The correlated results showed that staff member’s positive attitude on the perception of e-learning could increase the practice of this knowledge with students. A sense of insecurity towards this new technology also led to an undesirable effect on the staff member’s perceptions of the ease of use of e-learning. Therefore, maintain a high degree of discomfort and insecurity towards an e-learning experience hinders enormously staff member’s to share this knowledge with their students.
Title of the Paper: Z Generation Students’ Learning Mathematics with e-Resources
Authors: Alenka Lipovec, Jan Zmazek, Vid Lah, Eva Zmazek, Blaž Zmazek
Pages: 105-110
Abstract: User experience is a key element in information and communication technology. In the presented paper, Z generation representatives argue about the most common causes of mathematics learning difficulties when using technology. They discuss the benefits and downsides of using interactive resources in learning mathematics and the ideas for the development of new applications that would help to overcame presented learning problems. Reflection is based on learning mathematics via Slovenian e-textbooks, called i-textbooks ( or An i-textbook is an e-textbook with a high number of interactive elements with a high level of interactivity. Students suggest that an i-textbook is an effective learning resource that motivates and encourages in-depth learning of mathematics and present continuous identification of opportunities for improvement. We argue that including student’s user opinion is a key element in designing e-learning materials.
Title of the Paper: Designing a Intelligent Robot Used for Explore Unknown Zones
Authors: Paul Ciprian Patic, Lucia Pascale, Gabriela Mantescu, Marin Mainea
Pages: 97-104
Abstract: An intelligent mobile robot is an automatic machine capable of moving freely into the environment, not fixed to a fixed point. A mobile robot is a very complex system that may be able to perform different tasks in a variety of real-world situations. It is a mix of devices, equipped with sensors and servomotors, controlled by a calculation system. This system operates in a real space, under the action of several physical properties and must organize the movements, so the robot can perform its activity, depending on the initial conditions of the system and the information previously received, related to work environment. Generally, the problems that appear with mobile robots are: determining the initial position and its orientation in space, plotting an optimal trajectory of motion, and bypassing fixed or mobile obstacles.
Title of the Paper: Project-Based Learning to Develop Oral Production in English as a Foreign Language
Authors: Diana Katherine Gónzalez O., Jhonatan Correa Molina, Briam Steven Rojas Cardona
Pages: 87-96
Abstract: This work sought to determine the effect of The Project-Based Learning (PBL) Methodology in relation to oral production in English. Initially, a diagnostic test was given to first and second year bachelor´s of Foreign Languages candidates at Unidad Central del Valle Del Cauca –in Tuluá City- Colombia to establish their actual communicative competence, before the PBL implementation. The results showed a majority of students with basic level oral proficiency. Subsequently, extracurricular reunion dates were programmed in which students developed three audiovisual production projects using the PBL method: A Podcast, a Digital Storytelling and a Short Film. Throughout the entirety of the project, students were required to interact in English. After students´ projects were completed and presented for peer review, their oral skills were again evaluated with a post test, in order to determine the efficacy of the PBL method in oral English production. The results were satisfactory, with many students showing marked improvement. Several students progressed from basic to intermediate or advanced levels.
Title of the Paper: Algorithmic Thinking and Mathematical Competences Supported via Entertaining Problems
Authors: Eva Milkova, Andrea Sevcikova
Pages: 80-86
Abstract: The essential part of studies at the faculties instructing students in the field of computer science is not only the development of student’s ability to think algorithmically, but also to enhance their mathematical competences - the ability to develop and apply mathematical thinking in order to solve a range of problems in everyday situations. Besides a deep analysis of the topic and discussion on mutual relationships within the problem solving, the involvement of students into the subject is a very important educational factor. Practical and entertaining problems attract students not only to know more about the explained subject matter, but also and more importantly, to apply gained knowledge. If an interesting task is assigned as prototype to a new topic using a picture and resulting explanation of the task solution, both spatial and verbal working memory is required and students recall the explained subject matter much better. In the paper we pay attention to the role of entertaining problems as a useful study material supporting development of both, algorithmic thinking and mathematical competences.
Title of the Paper: Trends of Thought that Allow College Students Reasoning Critically Through Everyday Situations
Authors: M. A. Paola Andrea Mina Gómez, M. A. Heberth Caicedo Saldaña
Pages: 74-79
Abstract: This research study was of a descriptive type, about the conditions that lead the university students to think critically as part of the objective general of "characterizing the skills that allow reasoning critically to the student of the bachelor´s degree in basic education with emphasis in foreign languages and bachelor´s degree in basic education with emphasis in physical education, recreation and sports, of the Faculty of Sciences of Education - UCEVA, through the application of the HCTAES test (evaluation of the critical thinking through situations daily situations, proposed by Halpern 2006.) The found results allowed the researchers to set the trend that the student has, taking a series of decisions that support the use of cognitive resources, to run skills and develop them with procedures and established rules, correctly applied. In addition, it gives the opportunity to teachers of both academic Programs object of study to create some contexts that allow the deployment this type of thinking. In conclusion, it manages to describe the use of the cognitive resources used in the stall of new knowledge and the strategic usage of it in the resolution of problems present in the daily activities.
Title of the Paper: Using Robotic Kits and 3D printers at Primary (Lower Secondary) Schools in the Czech Republic
Authors: Radek Nemec, Petr Vobornik
Pages: 68-73
Abstract: This article describes the results of the phone interviews across the Czech Republic at primary (lower secondary) schools focused on mapping the using robotic kits and 3D printers. The article contains the second part. The design and development of robotic hand. The robot hand will be first designed by means of the CAD system and then printed out by a 3D printer. Arduino and 3D printers will be used on the construction. The Arduino platform, which will control small electronics (servo motors) and mechanics parts (printed by the 3D printer). The article presents a robotic hand design using the Adobe Inventor CAD system. The results of the phone interview present that schools possess minimum robotic construction kits and 3D printers. However, if school have 3D printer they used to create their own robots or replacing parts for robotics.
Title of the Paper: Changing Attitudes of Hungarian business Students Towards Corporate Social Responsibility
Authors: László Berényi, Nikolett Deutsch
Pages: 58-67
Abstract: There is a growing attention to corporate social responsibility (CSR) over the past decades. The level of corporate responsibility, from the economic interest to the philanthropy has an impact on solving the global environmental and social problems. From a business aspect, social responsibility became a strategic issue. Due to this fact, higher education shall intensify the education of the field. The authors did run a survey in 2014 and in 2016 about business students’ perceptions and attitudes to sustainable development and CSR. There is an experience that the order of the most important global problems marked by the respondents changed remarkably, social issues are appreciated. The paper investigates whether the changes of attitudes towards CSR show a similar pattern. The statistical analysis uses ANOVA; the sample consists business students in Hungarian Higher education (various universities, n=100 from each year, random sampling). The results show that there are significant differences between the years by gender and the level of CSR knowledge, but the pattern is scattered, the confidence in CSR did not increase clearly. Fewer respondents believe that CSR can help to solve the global problems; however, the ratio is reduced who think that CSR implementation is expensive or it can only be successful in the case of large companies. It must be noted that the attitudes by gender have moved closer and respondents with superficial CSR knowledge show the highest change. We found that the began changes open new opportunities for CSR. The appreciation of social issues may broaden both the target audience and the development of CSR tools. Popularity can boost up the number and level of applications; in the meanwhile, it is a warning sign if the increasing awareness is temporary or fragile.
Title of the Paper: Creating Teaching Module in PDF with Embedded Animations and Lecture Note
Authors: Taeil Yi
Pages: 51-57
Abstract: The use of lecture video and animation has been increased especially for online and distance learning courses. There are two major problem when an online or a multipoint course is offered for the first time. First, producing lecture video and animation is not an easy task for instructors who are going to teach online course first time. Second, most instructors who are novice for producing such teaching modules rely on pre-existing learning resources. In many cases those pre-existing teaching resources are not matching with an individual instructor’s course level or pedagogy. This article shows detailed ‘how-to’ tutorials for mathematics instructors who is novice to produce (1) animation GIFs using GeoGebra, (2) PDFs with embedded animations, and (3) PDFs with embedded ‘paper-pencil’ style lecture videos with voice using smartpen as instructional tools.
Title of the Paper: Some New Services and Network Architectures and Educational Results in the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT)
Authors: Dragorad A. Milovanovic, Zoran S. Bojkovic, Nikos E. Mastorakis
Pages: 44-50
Abstract: Starting from the potential of IoT-based healthcare technologies, a lot of researches are carried out worldwide. The obtained results are optimistic in domain of new services and applications, network architecture and platforms as well as standardization frameworks for interoperability. However, the IoT remains in its infancy in the healthcare domain. Taking into account trends, an analysis of mobile health (m-health) in context of IoT as well as how emerging 5G network technology will influence on real-time healthcare services, is of wide interest. The motivation is to expand the potential of core IoT technologies for the further developments. This paper highlights future research on IoT healthcare based on a set of open issues and educational challenges.
Title of the Paper: Simulation of the Automatic Parking Assist System as a Method of the Algorithm Development Thinking
Authors: Petr Coufal, Tomas Hornik, Stepan Hubalovsky, Michal Musilek
Pages: 37-43
Abstract: The teaching of algorithm development and programming should develop not only practical skills, theoretical knowledge and techniques, but algorithmic thinking in particular. [1] The ability of algorithmic thinking can be cultivated through implementation of modeling and computer simulation of real phenomena into the teaching of algorithm development not only at universities, but also at high schools and elementary schools. [2, 3] The process of complex problem solving leads the students to implement problem analysis in order to figure out the given problem. Whole process of the problem analysis, including its solution, strategy, algorithm development and creation of the computer simulation, is presented in the article in a step by step form of the case study simulating a real process - the Automatic Active Parking Assist System. Computer simulation of this process is presented by means of robotic system LEGO® Mindstorms® and programmed in the integrated development environment of LEGO® Mindstorms® NXT-G.
Title of the Paper: Integration of Mobile Technologies and Social Networks into Activation Methods in Education
Authors: Vaclav Manena, Eva Milkova, Simona Pekarkova, Roman Dostal
Pages: 31-36
Abstract: Information and communication technology has the potential to transform the way people work together, access information, think and build new knowledge. The article presents new forms of mobile technologies and social networks usage in educational process. Authors focus on activation methods that can be enriched with these technologies. Presented methods have been experimentally verified and are based on the research which was realized at schools in the Czech Republic.
Title of the Paper: Using Goals to Infer Formal Behavioral Models from Web Services Applications
Authors: May Haidar, Hicham H. Hallal
Pages: 19-30
Abstract: We propose an integrated framework for the formal analysis of web services based applications involving both static and dynamic analysis techniques. The proposed framework consists of three main components: A library of patterns, representing both recommended and undesired services related properties along with an efficient classification of the compiled patterns according to their effect on the behavior of web services based applications; a set of static analysis techniques that use tools like code inspection, abstraction extraction, and model inference to detect property patterns in the source code of the applications under test; and a set of dynamic analysis techniques directly mainly to verify web services based applications against property patterns that cannot be detected using only the source code of applications. In this paper, we elaborate the work completed on the development of an approach to dynamic analysis of web services based applications, we describe the formal model used to depict the behavior of an application based on it observed execution traces, and we outline the workflow of a goal based inference approach to derive behavioral models.
Title of the Paper: Mobile Learning Conceptual Framework for Higher Education in Developing Countries
Authors: Christina Albert, Rayed Assad
Pages: 12-18
Abstract: Technology is now playing a vital role in teaching and training through mobile devices. The mobile devices connect people to strengthen relations between them and nearly distances. Mobile learning as distance and e-learning, there are many advantages and disadvantages of using technology in the learning process. Mobile learning depends on the use of mobile or wireless devices for distance learning. The main purpose of this paper is to build a mobile learning framework which is containing the characteristics of mobile learning. This framework will help students in higher education to adapt the educational resources from their mobile devices which can be used anytime and anywhere.
Title of the Paper: Theme and Task Based Learning Model to Develop Reading Comprehension Skills
Authors: Gonzalo Romero Martínez
Pages: 6-11
Abstract: This paper reports an implementation proposal that examined the current situation of the English Specific Purposes process in a Major of Physical Education in a Colombian university, which has shown low results in the standardized national tests. The literature review, about the current models to develop communicative competence in major students, concluded that both models Theme Based Learning and Task-Based Language Learning share some important principles and complement each other. Findings showed that the reading comprehension skills are related to the main core of the content based instruction model by developing High Order Thinking Skills. The Task Based Language Learning is the backbone in the classes planning that let students be involved in meaningful communicative activities.
Title of the Paper: An Application of the COG Technique to Assessment of Student Understanding of Polar Coordinates
Authors: Michael Gr. Voskoglou
Pages: 1-5
Abstract: According to the popular in fuzzy mathematics Centre of Gravity (COG) technique the defuzzification of a fuzzy set representing a problem’s solution is obtained through the calculation of the coordinates of the COG of the level’s section contained between the graph of its membership function and the OX axis. The COG technique is applied in this paper for assessing the results of the application of the APOS/ACE instructional treatment for teaching and learning mathematics on student understanding of the Polar Coordinates in the plane.