International Journal of Energy
E-ISSN: 1998-4316
Volume 14, 2020
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Volume 14, 2020
Title of the Paper: System analysis and Design of Tutorial for Teaching Industrial Automatism
Authors: Mohamed Najeh Lakhoua, Ala Balti, Imen Mhidhi, Cyrine Noomene
Pages: 107-110
Abstract: After presenting of the need for using automates in industry, we present an application of system analysis for the design of a tutorial for teaching industrial automatism. The experience is situated in training students in view to get a university degree in engineering. The essential of this methodological approach is to specify the composition of the various teaching modules in industrial automatism to be accessible to the students by a system modeling method and to develop a digital support that can be exploited in distance learning.
Title of the Paper: Performance Analysis of Different Techniques for Low Torque Ripple PMSM Drive using DTC
Authors: Rakesh Shriwastava, Mohan Thakre, Nandkumar Wagh
Pages: 98-106
Abstract: Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors (PMSM) have demonstrated their usability in automotive and other files in the recent years. A low torque ripple PMSM drive proves to be suitable for power steering and hybrid vehicle applications. This paper presents analysis of two different techniques for low torque ripple PMSM drive using DTC and performs a comparative analysis of the ripples. The complete PMSM drives are modeled using MatLab Simulink environment where different blocks are interconnected to form the complete test setup. Input torque is applied to check the parameters of the drive including the ripples. Analysis shows that the technique Dual Inverter gives 6.442% of ripples whereas the SVPWM technique affects the output in terms of ripples by 0.9762%. The theoretical analyses and simulation results indicates that SVPWM technique can reduce the flux linkage and torque ripple in a large extent and have a better dynamic and static performance as compare to dual inverter technique
Title of the Paper: State of the Art on Modeling and Optimization of Smart Electricity Networks
Authors: H. Wertani, J. Ben Salem, M.N. Lakhoua
Pages: 93-97
Abstract: The increase in population and industrialization has increased the consumption of electricity. Currently, it is impossible to live without electricity. Indeed, it is necessary for the economic, social and industrial progress in all the countries of the world. This is why we are always asked to develop all types of energy to produce clean and safe to improve energy efficiency. Indeed, the use of new renewable energy sources helps to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions and dependence on centralized energy sickles. The difficulties of renewable energy-based power systems lie in their production, which is not controllable and may not meet the increase in energy demand.
Title of the Paper: Comparative Study between the Electrical Generators Used in Wind Energy Conversion Systems
Authors: Mohamed I. Mosaad
Pages: 88-92
Abstract: To keep away from non-renewable fossil energy, clean and green wind energy is one of the sustainable sources in nature that produce the electrical power with no-fossil energy issues. The fastest growing type of renewable energy is the wind energy due to its free availability and environmental problems. Wind energy conversion systems (WECSs) assume a significant part in the new production of electric power from renewable sources. Due to the technical progress in the wind turbine manufacturing, we have many types of wind turbines in use around the world. Many kinds of generators were used in the WECS. In this paper a comparison between three types of generators exploited in WECSs will be introduced. These types are self-excited induction generators (SEIGs), doubly-fed induction generator (DFIGs) and switched reluctance generators (SRGs). The comparison between the generators includes the speed range of operation, fault sensitivity, power ratings and the suitable types of wind turbines used for the three generators, moreover the control techniques applied.
Title of the Paper: Transmission of Sound via a Perovskite Solar Cell
Authors: Abdelhadi Slami, Mama Bouchaour, Laarej Merad, Yacine Ayachi Amor
Pages: 83-87
Abstract: T Perovskite solar cells are becoming a dominant alternative for the traditional solar cells reaching an efficiency of 25.2% in a short span of twelve years (2008-2020). Here, we are going to describe a simple process to 'put a voice on a laser beam' and transmit it over a distance via a perovskite solar cell. This process considered as a fascinating example of amplitude modulation of light using sound vibrations. Therefore, the design and simulation of the perovskite solar cell will be described in details in this work. This design is concerned about the lead-free based perovskite solar cell model with the total proposed structure “Metal contact /PEDOT:PSS/ CH3NH3SnI3/ ZnO/ SnO2:F/ Metal contact”. To study the efficiency and the performances of a solar cell, the use of well-known software so-called SCAPS-1D is undertaken to perform the system simulation. The obtained results show also the influence of the doping level of the HTM layer and absorber layer thickness on the performance of the device. So far, only the simulation part has been validated. Despite the cost-effect of the system prototype, however, it could be implemented here in the laboratory as perspective work.
Title of the Paper: Fractional Order Pi Controller for the Highly Efficient Power Regulation of DFIG Based Wind Power Conversion System
Authors: Abdellatif Kasbi, Abderrafii Rahali
Pages: 66-82
Abstract: In an electric power grid connected wind generation system, dynamic control strategy is essential to use the wind energy efficiently as well as for an energy optimization. The present study has focused on decoupled power regulation of doubly fed induction generator, operating in wind turbine, in accordance with the vector control approach by applying fractional order proportional integral (FOPI) controller. The FOPI controller is designed based on a simple method; up such that the response of closed loop process is similar to the response of a specified fractional model whose transfer function is Bode’s ideal function. In this tuning operation, the parameters of the proposed fractional controller are established analytically using the impulse closed-loop response of the controlled process. To show the superior action of the developed FOPI controller in comparison with standard PI controller in different function conditions, the study is validated through simulation using the software MATLAB/Simulink
Title of the Paper: Modeling and Control of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System Using Sliding Mode Control
Authors: Abdelkader Belhachemi, Belarbi Ahmed Wahid
Pages: 59-65
Abstract: Solar PV systems are gaining attraction for energy generation in these days due to its reducing cost and efficiency. The proposed system consists of two main controllers: the DC/DC boost converter to track the maximum power from the PV panels using an application of sliding mode control because it is fast and unconditionally stable and the grid-tied three-phase inverter to control the power active and reactive for achieved the unit power factor in connection point and synchronize a sinusoidal current output with a voltage grid with regulated DC bus voltage. Simulation results are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design and robustness under different operating conditions such as changes in atmospheric conditions.
Title of the Paper: Numerical Analysis of MHD Stagnation Point Flow Towards a Radially Stretching Convectively Heated Disk
Authors: Stanford Shateyi, Daniel Makinde
Pages: 53-58
Abstract: The steady stagnation point flow and heat transferof an electrically conducting incompressible viscous fluid isextended to the case where the disk surface is convectivelyheated and radially stretching. The fluid is subjected to anexternal uniform magnetic field perpendicular to the planeof the disk. The governing momentum and energy balanceequations give rise to non-linear boundary value problem.Using a spectral relaxation method with a Chebyshev spectralcollocation method, the numerical solutions are obtained overthe entire range of the physical parameters. Emphasis hasbeen laid to study the effects of viscous dissipation and Jouleheating on the thermal boundary layer. Pertinent results on theeffects of various thermophysical parameters on the velocityand temperature fields as well as local skin friction and localNusselt number are discussed in detail and shown graphicallyand/or in tabular form.
Title of the Paper: A Numerical Study of Crown Forest Fires Behaviour
Authors: Valeriy Perminov
Pages: 47-52
Abstract: The theoretical investigation of the problems oflarge forest fires initiation and spread was carried out in thispaper. Mathematical model of forest fire was based on ananalysis of experimental data and using concept and methodsfrom reactive media mechanics. The research was based onnumerical solution of three dimensional Reynolds equations. Theboundary-value problem is solved numerically using the methodof splitting according to physical processes. A discrete analoguefor the system of equations was obtained by means of the controlvolume method. The developed numerical model of forest fireinitiation and spreading would make it possible to obtain adetailed picture of the variation in the velocity, temperature andchemical species concentration fields with time. The results ofcalculation give an opportunity to describe conditions of crownforest fires initiation and spread at different properties of forestsand meteorological conditions. Forest fires contours and theirsizes depend on crown properties: bulk density, moisture contentof forest fuel, distribution of combustion sources and etc.
Title of the Paper: A Numerical Study of Three- Dimensional Natural Convection in a Differentially Heated Cubical Enclosure
Authors: H. S. Lee, J. H. Jung, H. S. Yoon
Pages: 42-46
Abstract: A high-resolution, finite difference numerical studyis reported on three-dimensional steady-state natural convectionof air, for two Rayleigh numbers, in a cubical enclosure, which isheated differentially at one side walls. The temperature of thewall is TC except for the right vertical wall, in which is TH.Thedetails of the three-dimensional flow and thermal characteristicsare described.
Title of the Paper: Using Latent Energy of Water-ice Phase Change to Reduce Energy Losses in Buildings in Cold Climate
Authors: Gatis Žogla, Andra Blumberga, Kristaps Kašs
Pages: 34-41
Abstract: Energy efficiency in buildings is a very important challenge that has to be faced in order to achieve the aims set by the new EU directive on Building energy efficiency encouraging nearly zero energy buildings. Unfortunately in countries with cold climate it is very hard to achieve this goal. The thickness of insulation needed to reach low energy consumption in cold climate is very big and in many cases it is not economically feasible. There is a need for new solutions for increasing building energy efficiency. In this paper a new solution for increasing building energy efficiency is proposed. It is proposed to use the latent energy of water-ice phase change to reduce heat conduction losses through building envelope. The latent energy is recovered by using low potential heat source. In this paper the validity of the proposed new solution is tested on a one dimensional scale – homogeneous infinite wall. The presented methodology is chosen to calculate systems operational efficiency throughout the whole year.
Title of the Paper: Analysis of Two Colliding Thin Spherical Shells
Authors: Yury Rossikhin, Vyacheslav Shamarin, Marina Shitikova
Pages: 29-33
Abstract: In the present paper, the collision of two elastic spherical shells is investigated using the wave theory of impact. The model developed here suggests that after the moment of impact quasi-longitudinal and quasi-transverse shock waves are generated, which then propagate along the spherical shells. The solution behind the wave fronts is constructed with the help of the theory of discontinuities. Since the local bearing of the materials of the colliding elastic shells is taken into account, then the solution in the contact domain is found via the Hertz contact theory.
Title of the Paper: A New Failure Criterion for Woven-roving GFRE Thick Tube Subjected to Combined Fatigue Bending Moments and Internal hydrostatic Pressure
Authors: M. N. Abouelwafa, Hassan El-Gamal, Yasser S. M, Wael A. Al-Tabey
Pages: 21-28
Abstract: Choosing the suitable failure criterion represents the main target for many researchers working with materials, and it represents the first step for new materials before being used in the field. Considering composite materials, specifically, makes it more challenging, because of their very special behavior and characteristics. Besides, it must be noted that, the suitability of a certain criterion differs greatly according to the tested material, and its stress state. Thick-walled tubular specimens, made from wovenroving Glass Fiber- Reinforced Epoxy (GFRE) with two fiber orientations, [0o ,90o ]3s and [±45o ]3s, and two manufacture methods M1 and M2 to prepare the test specimens, were tested under combined fatigue bending and Internal hydrostatic Pressure at different pressure ratios (Pr), PPrr= 00, 00.2222, 00.55, 00.7777 (i.e. pressures amounting to 0%, 25%, 50% and 75% of the burst pressure). The [0o ,90o ]3s specimens were found to have higher bending strength than the [±45o ]3s specimens, at all pressure ratios; This is due to the fiber orientation [0,90°]3s has a minimum value of stress component σ6 which equal to zero. For both fiber orientations [0o ,90o ]3s and [±45o ]3s and both manufacture methods M1 and M2, were found none of the available criteria succeeded in predicting failure for the studied case, this due to the effect of hoop stress on values of amplitude component and the corresponding fatigue strength; consequently. A new modifying term was introduced that made Norris-Distortional, Tsai-Hahn, and Tsai-Hill criteria suitable for this studied case, resulting in a new criterion
Title of the Paper: Laminar MHD Mixed Convection Flow of Newtonian Fluid between Vertical Parallel Plates Channel
Authors: Ebrahim Salehi, Rasul alizadeh, Alireza Darvish
Pages: 16-20
Abstract: This study investigates MHD mixed convection flow in a two parallel-plates vertical channel with reference to laminar, thermal and hydrodynamical developing flow of Newtonian fluid. The boundaries are considered to be isothermal with equal temperatures. The governing equations are solved numerically. Also, their dependence upon certain material parameters have been studied. Velocity, temperature, pressure gradient and Nusselt number profiles have also been presented
Title of the Paper: The Study of the Mixing Layer Particles Distribution in Dependence on the Convective Mach Numbers
Authors: Altyn Makasheva, Altynshash Naimanova
Pages: 7-15
Abstract: The numerical studies of the quasi twodimensional supersonic turbulent gas-particle mixing layer are performed using the 2D-DNS (Direct Numerical Simulations). The system of Navier-Stokes equations of a multi-species flow is solved using the ENO scheme of a third-order accuracy. The dispersion of the particles is simulated by the Lagrangian method following their trajectories in the mixing layer. The study focuses on the roles of the large-scale vortex structures in a particle dispersion dependence on the Stokes numbers and convective Mach numbers.
Title of the Paper: Application of Solar Organic Rankine System for Energy Generation in Buildings: the Case of Athens
Authors: G.K. Alexis, E.I. Sfinias
Pages: 1-6
Abstract: This paper describes the performance of an ORC system driven by solar energy and R134a as working fluid. The system is predicted along the twelve months of the year. The operation of the system and the related thermodynamics are simulated by suitable computer codes and the required local climate data are determined by statistical processing over a considerable number of years. It’s found that the solar to electricity efficiency of this SORC system varies from 0.049 to 0.058 while the ambient temperature varies from 11.3oC to 29.2oC and the total solar irradiance varies from 443 W/m2 to 679 W/m2. The system’s arrangement comprises a solar thermal array which is coupled with an organic Rankine engine. The mean annual overall efficiency of the SORC system is estimated at 0.055 while the thermodynamic efficiency of Rankine is calculated at 0.107. The obvious advantage of this arrangement is that electricity can be produced in buildings by using the existing common solar thermals installed. Easy–to–find machinery is employed in order to attain a simple and practical small–scale organic Rankine cycle arrangement coupled with common solar thermals used widely in Greek buildings for DHW production and space heating assistance.