International Journal of Energy
E-ISSN: 1998-4316
Volume 15, 2021
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Volume 15, 2021
Title of the Paper: Analysis of Wind Driven Doubly Fed Induction Generator under Transient Conditions
Authors: Milkias Berhanu Tuka, Salem Molla Endale
Pages: 116-127
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.18 XML
Abstract: The Doubly-fed induction generator is one of the most effective and frequently used wind power generation systems in the wind power industry. It offers several enticing benefits, including consistent output voltage, low cost, independent control of active and reactive power, and improved power quality. Despite any of the aforementioned advantages of DFIGs, it is precisely impacted by grid interruption. Any sudden appearance of a fault, such as symmetrical or asymmetrical faults, can cause a reduction in stator voltage, oscillations in stator and rotor currents, DC-link overvoltage, and electromagnetic torque pulsations. Such a phenomenon can considerably affect the performance of the DFIG under a transient state if an appropriate protection system is not considered. Thus, in this thesis work, the crowbar protection system is employed for the enhancement of the FRT capability of the wind turbine. The performance of the machine with the existing capacitor bank and crowbar protection is analyzed and compared. Moreover, the MATLAB/Simulink 2015a software is used for modeling and simulation and all system parameters are obtained from ADAMA-II Wind Farm.
Title of the Paper: Passive Fault Tolerant Control of Motorboat System
Authors: Yosra Hammi, Nadia Zanzouri, Mekki Ksouri
Pages: 110-115
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.17 XML
Abstract: A hybrid passive control strategy is developed for a class of hybrid systems modeled by Mixed Logical Dynamical (MLD) approach. It allows to model different operating modes of the system and constraints. We proposed using the MPC for control system .The passive controller is used to take in account the actuator failure and the optimization problem is transformed into a mixed-integer quadratic programming problem (MIQP). The considering fault-tolerance capabilities are developed and discussed. The proposed method is illustrated by a motorboat system.
Title of the Paper: Supervisor Control for a Stand–Alone Hybrid Generation System Using Fuel Cell and Photovoltaic Energy
Authors: Mourad Tiar, Achour Betka, Ridha Cheikh, Said Drid
Pages: 102-109
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.16 XML
Abstract: this paper discusses a comprehensive supervisor control for a hybrid system that comprises the photovoltaic generation , hydrogen system ( Fuel cell ,Electrolyse ) and an ac load is developed in this paper. The objectives of the supervisor control are, primarily, to satisfy the load power demand and, second, allows to store the gas through the electrolyser. For these purposes, the supervisor controller determines the operation mode online of the solar generation subsystem , switching from power regulation to maximum power conversion . Decision criteria for the supervisor based on measurable system variables are presented (voltages, and currents) . Finally, the performance of the supervisor controller is extensively assessed through computer simulation using a comprehensive nonlinear model .
Title of the Paper: Simulation Environment for Development of Automated Process Control System in Coal Mining
Authors: Victor Okolnishnikov, Sergey Rudometov, Sergey Zhuravlev
Pages: 98-101
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.15 XML
Abstract: This paper describes a visual interactive simulation system of technological processes intended for the development and execution of simulation and emulation models for automated process control systems in coal mining. A set of simulation models of various subsystems of a mine was developed with the help of this simulation system. These models united to create simulation environment. Simulation environment is visually interactive, include emulation models of technological equipment and allow simulating complex situations in mines and working faces. Simulation environment was used for testing of control programs executed in programmable logic controllers.
Title of the Paper: Impact of the Sampling Period on the Design of Digital PID Controllers
Authors: Dimitris Tsamatsoulis
Pages: 92-97
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.14 XML
Abstract: The impact of the sampling period on the parameterization of a digital PID controller in the frequency domain is attempted using three different digital approximations of the integral action. The controller is implemented in the industrial process of regulation of the cement sulphates in the cement mill outlet. The maximum sensitivity, Ms, has been utilized as a main robustness criterion. For the same Ms, proportional and differential gain, a rise of the sampling period leads to a decrease of the integral gain ki for all the three approximations. For the same sampling period, the function between proportional and integral gain differs for the three approximations studied. If the design satisfies two criteria simultaneously, maximum sensitivity and phase margin in the current study, then the permissible PID gains zone becomes narrower.
Title of the Paper: Devolpment and Modeling of an Industrial Process Plan, Its Optimization using stochastic search Optimization Technique
Authors: Umer Asgher, Riaz Ahmad, Liaqat Ali
Pages: 87-91
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.13 XML
Abstract: Industrial process planning is principally an association between design and development or final production and has vital function in the manufacturing systems. In this paper the under research industry is security vehicle manufacturing industry in Pakistan. First of all a fundamental process plan is developed and then modeled mathematically using progressive closed loop approach. Mathematically modeled process plan is then optimized in order to find optimal or sub optimal solutions. Research then investigates the capability of an innovative optimization technique called stochastic search in handling optimization of manufacturing process plan. This new technique of stochastic, searches the best approximate process planning solution. Finally the research examines the convergence of optimization techniques to an optimal solution for a manufacturing framework.
Title of the Paper: FPGA Utilized to Control the Coincidence Logic of Quantum Entangled Pairs (QEP)
Authors: Mohammed Munther A. Majeed, Zuriati Ahmad Zukarnain
Pages: 80-86
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.12 XML
Abstract: Control of quantum signals is very robust design technique and very important in quantum signal processing (QSP). It is not easy in experimentation platforms. Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) is using to control very various range of devices in quantum fields through PCs. FPGA needs to run modules of components to communicate and interfacing with the PC, through decode perform commands to direct control of digital hardware’s. If programmer has a real-time control of the FPGA via USB, it can be possible to evaluate design parameters changes in real-time, without reprogramming the FPGA. That makes the proposed design platforms easier for researchers. This paper discusses experiment of control quantum signals by FPGA to control coincidence logic for Quantum Entangled Pair (QEP), that able to measure polarization correlations relationships between photons of the QEP. This FPGA helps to determine detection events at different detectors which can be attributed to a single photon pair. Also to determine the correlation time between two different beams frequencies is extremely accurate according to the delay between the beams, which is very short.
Title of the Paper: On Steady-State Voltage Stability Analysis Performance in MATLAB Environment
Authors: Jan Veleba, Tomáš Nestorovič
Pages: 73-79
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.11 XML
Abstract: Nowadays, electric power systems have been often operated close to their limits due to increased electric power consumptions, vast installments of renewable power sources and deliberated power market policies. This poses a serious threat to stable network operation and control. Therefore, voltage stability is currently one of key topics worldwide for preventing related black-out and islanding scenarios. In this paper, modelling and simulations of steady-state voltage stability problems in MATLAB environment are performed using author-developed computational tool implementing both conventional and more advanced numerical approaches. Their performance is compared with Simulink-based library Power System Analysis Toolbox (PSAT) in terms of solution accuracy, CPU time, and possible limitations. Their use for both real-time and off-line monitoring and assessment of system's voltage stability are also discussed.
Title of the Paper: Adaptive Neuro Fuzzy Technique for Speed Control of Six-Step Brushless DC Motor
Authors: Hany Abdelfattah
Pages: 63-72
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.10 XML
Abstract: The brushless DC motors with permanent magnets (PM-BLDC) are widely used in a miscellaneous of industrial applications. In this paper, The adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) controller for Six-Step Brushless DC Motor Drive is introduced. The brushless DC motor’s dynamic characteristics such as torque , current , speed, , and inverter component voltages are showed and analysed using MATLAB simulation. The propotional-integral (PI) and fuzzy system controllers are developed., based on designer’s test and error process and experts. The experimential and hardware resuts for the inverter- driver circuits are presented. The simulation results using MATLAB simulink are conducted to validate the proposed (ANFIS) controller’s robustness and high performance relative to other controllers.
Title of the Paper: Minimizing the Total Cost of WAMS using Artificial Electric Field Algorithm
Authors: Batool B. Al-Khraisat, Ali S. AL-Dmour, Khaled S. Al Maitah
Pages: 51-62
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.9 XML
Abstract: Wide area monitoring system (WAMS) is one of the most important technologies in modern power systems, it gathers the synchronized time stamped measurements from wide area across power system through a high reporting measuring device such as synchronized phasor measurement units (PMUs).Due to the high cost of PMU itself and its installation cost, it is often difficult to install PMU at each bus in the power system. However, there are several approaches to solve the optimal PMU placement (OPP) with various optimization algorithms. In this paper, a realistic cost model has been proposed to provide optimal PMUs placement (OPP). The proposed model has been solved using artificial electric field algorithm (AEFA), which is a novel optimization algorithm, it was proposed by 2019. In this paper, a binary form of AEFA has been proposed to solve the proposed cost model. AEFA has been implemented in MATALB programming environment, and the results demonstrate that the proposed cost model provides a realistic view of WAMS cost. Additionally, the results have been compared with other optimization algorithm, and it demonstrates that the AEFA is efficient to solve the OPP problem.
Title of the Paper: Energy Simulation of Marine Currents through Wind Tunnel with Use the Haar Wavelet for Electromagnetic Brake Systems
Authors: Aldo A. Belardi, Antônio H. Piccinini
Pages: 44-50
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.8 XML
Abstract: A demand clean and renewable energy through the use of submerged turbines. Using this new source of energy we can grow the production of electrical energy in a sustainable way. This paper presents the simulation of maritime currents using a wind tunnel which allows the comparison of speed variations of water compared to air. It also features a brake system that uses a magnetic sensor in real time using the wavelets. As an example, it can be the ones mentioned concerning the feedback control system applied in a brand WEG motor of 100 hp with 2 poles 3500rpm rotation. Using software tools, the Acquired data are post-processed.
Title of the Paper: Evolution of Smart Buildings
Authors: Gabriel Iulian Fântână, Stefan Adrian Oae
Pages: 41-43
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.7 XML
Abstract: Today, in times of economic crisis, the need for optimization is more present than ever. Since buildings are responsible for almost 50% from total environment pollution, which means a significant resource spending, changes for improvement must be done.
Title of the Paper: Ecological Aspects in Control of Small-scale Biomass Fired Boilers
Authors: Bohumil Šulc, Cyril Oswald
Pages: 33-40
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.6 XML
Abstract: Control of combustion in small-scale boilers has been standing outside interest for a long time. More attention has been paid to design of the boilers than to economic and ecological aspects of their operation. To the question under which operating conditions of the boiler a controller carries out its activities has been paid a limited attention. The quick by developing use of biomass fired boilers, local shortage of quality biomass, legal restriction on emissions and available cheaper instrumentation have caused a turn in replacing older simple control solutions by more sophisticated technology. The final goal is evident: to achieve for small-scale boilers to be able to operate automatically fulfilling ecological limits comparable with those usual in fullscale boilers, even when firing biomass of lower quality and no skilled service can be expected. Some experience obtained from experiments aimed at this goal and improvements carried out on pilot boilers are reported in this paper.
Title of the Paper: Hydroinformatic Tools for Flood Risk Map Achievement
Authors: Erika Beilicci, Robert Beilicci, Ioan David
Pages: 27-32
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.5 XML
Abstract: Water Framework Directive and Flood Directive of European Commission establishes the need for preparation of flood risk maps for each member country on each important hydrographic basins. Based on these established the flood risk management plan (must be finalized by end of 2015), which is a communicator and disseminator tool of the knowledge gained during two previous stages across the horizontal structures of governmental and non-governmental bodies dealing with flood protection, flood mitigation and flood struggle in general. Flood risk management plans, considered as a communicator and disseminator tool across the horizontal structures of governmental and non-governmental bodies dealing with flood protection, flood mitigation and flood struggle in general. They mainly include proposals on how to reduce the losses of lives, property and environmental through flood prevention, protection of vulnerable areas and increased flood preparedness in each river basin. The way of processing of this flood risk management plans on IT platforms changes the information stream flow. Future development plans of regions and cities will get a proper guidance and platforms for future feasibility studies. In Romania, each state institution wants to improve the skills of their employees. There is a lack of specialists who has enough knowledge about the hydroinformatics, thus in everyday work there is a very limited use of such tool, meanwhile the work with complex problems has generated recently a need to use valuable tool.
Title of the Paper: Use of Simulator for Decision to Reuse of Industrial Effluents
Authors: Ana Cecilia Correia dos Santos, Elias Andrade Braga, Igor L. S. Rodrigues, Ricardo de Araϊjo Kalid, Asher Kiperstok
Pages: 22-26
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.4 XML
Abstract: The need to reduce operational inefficiency because no generation of effluent encourages industries to search improvements in the procedures and technologies. However, in case that is not technically or economically feasible, the water reuse is a good option. The removal of volatile organic compounds (VOC) in liquid streams at a nitrogen fertilizer industry is carried out in a stripper that generates treated condensate that can be reused. The present work aims at the reuse of the treated condensate to produce steam and it was conducted according to methodology: collection and reconciliation of data in the industrial plant; simulation operating conditions and changed conditions for the most contaminant removal; tests in loco and analysis of physicchemical parameters to assess the quality of the treated condensate. The simulation was performed in steady state for two scenarios: the first one using operating conditions with vapor pressure between 3.2 bar and 6.0 bar and a flow rate of saturated steam between 1.5 t/h 5.0 t/h; the second simulation scenery considered the removal of the D stream process of the stripper, that has a high concentration of ammonia and methanol. In the first scenario, it was observed by manipulating of the pressure to 6.0 bar and steam flow to 2.0 t/h make better the removal ammonia efficiency. For the second scenario has also greater efficiency in the removal of both ammonia and methanol. The tests in loco and physic-chemical analysis showed that removal of the D stream process can enable the of reuse to make up for water in boiler to produce steam of until 41 bar after additional treatment, reducing the conductivity and iron concentration. The reuse of this treated condensate provides an economic gain of approximately US$ 500 000 each year, reducing the cost with the use of demineralized water and wastewater treatment. The use of the simulator allowed studying different scenarios, to reduce the number of experimental tests in loco and establishing routes for reuse industrial wastewater.
Title of the Paper: Effects of the Advance Ratio on the Evolution of Propeller Wake
Authors: D. G. Baek, J. H. Jung, H. S. Yoon
Pages: 16-21
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.3 XML
Abstract: This study numerically carried out the propeller open water test (POW) by solving Navier-Stokes equations governing the three-dimensional unsteady incompressible viscous flow with the turbulence closure model of the Κ-ω SST model. Numerical simulations were performed at wide range of advance ratios. A great difference of velocity magnitude between the inner region and the outer region of the slipstream tube forms the thick and large velocity gradient which originates from the propeller tip and develops along the downstream. Eventually, the strong shear layer appears and plays the role of the slipstream boundary. As the advance ratio increases, the vortical structures originated from the propeller tips quickly decay. The contraction of the vortices trace is considerable with decreasing the advance ratio.
Title of the Paper: Diffusion Dynamics of Energy Service Companies in the Residential Sector
Authors: Andra Blumberga, Dagnija Blumberga, Gatis Žogla, Claudio Rochas, Marika Rošā, Aiga Barisa
Pages: 8-15
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.2 XML
Abstract: Energy service contracting (EPC) is one of the private sector instruments to improve end use energy efficiency. The dominant part of EPC projects is implemented in the industrial, governmental and municipal sectors while the residential sector has been less attractive to energy service companies (ESCO). This paper describes the first EPC project implemented in a multi apartment building in Latvia. A combination of this project experience, the system dynamics modelling, and microeconomics theory has been used to develop the system dynamics model to capture the interactions and feedback from the ESCO market for residential building energy efficiency. Three policy tools were tested for use in improving the performance of the system. The purpose of the tests was to facilitate the diffusion (or distribution) of EPC in the residential sector.
Title of the Paper: Optimal Design of Hybrid PV-Diesel - Battery System for a Small Cement Brick Factory: A Case Study for Bahteem, Egypt
Authors: Hanaa M. Farghally, Ninet M. Ahmed, Faten H. Fahmy, Emad A. Sweelem, Amal A. Hassan
Pages: 1-7
DOI: 10.46300/91010.2021.15.1 XML
Abstract: This paper study the optimization & finical test of a hybrid power system holds Photovoltaic (PV) array, Diesel generator and Battery for a small cement bricks factory located in Bahtem, Egypt covering a load demand of 24.5kWh/day with a 4.92 kW peak. In this factory, light weight binder bricks are manufactured from the recycling of chopped grind straw which can be utilized as fillers in bone type buildings. HOMER software is utilized to run the frugal feasibility of hybrid PV-Diesel-Battery system. The study proved that the impact of PV penetration and battery storage on power production, expense of power, number of operational hours of diesel generators for a given hybrid configuration. PV panels and diesel generator produce 10,654 and 2,701 kWh/year, respectively and 2,783 kWh/year of power is stocked in the batteries. The renewable power part was 70%. The system was optimally sized with a PV of 7 kW, a diesel generator of 5.5 kW, a converter of 4.9 kW and 8 units of battery The obtained results showed that PV-Diesel-Battery system generates a great reduction in both the operating expenses the amount of CO2 and other greenhouse gases emissions.