International Journal of Computers and Communications
E-ISSN: 2074-1294
Volume 15, 2021
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Volume 15, 2021
Title of the Paper: Design and Simulation of Smart Communication System for Unmanned Arial Vehicles
Authors: Prashant Mani, Pankaj Singh, Abhishek Singhal, Apoorv Katiyar
Pages: 89-94
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.15 XML
Abstract: In recent years, the use of drones has drastically increased as the evolution of drone use in commercial sectors and reduced costs of the hardware. Earlier drone services were mostly used for military operations but nowadays the Unmanned Arial Vehicles (UAV) system is very advanced and its applications are not limited to military operations. The recent years have also witnessed a network evolution of UAVs from single ground to air network to multi-UAV network systems along with usage of wireless public networks like LTE which can act as UAV communication channel. In the proposed project, a communication system used in the UAS system is simulated to analyze the UAV behavior under different conditions with respect to mission planning and the communication networks used. A comprehensive study is done on communication networks used in controlling UAVs. For a safer approach, the proposed model is simulated using available software instead of hardware implementations. ArduPilot SITL, MAVProxy and Mission Planner are used to simulate the UAV system virtually. Whereas network simulations of Wi-Fi and LTE network are done with the help of NS-3 on a separate platform. Various network parameters like network delay, throughput, etc., are graphically represented.
Title of the Paper: Optimal Image Steganography Content Destruction Techniques
Authors: Siddeeq Y. Ameen, Muthana R. Al-Badrany
Pages: 84-88
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.14 XML
Abstract: The paper presents two approaches for destroying steganogrphy content in an image. The first is the overwriting approach where a random data can be written again over steganographic images whereas the second approach is the denoising approach. With the second approach two kinds of destruction techniques have been adopted these are filtering and discrete wavelet techniques. These two approaches have been simulated and evaluated over two types of hiding techniques, Least Significant Bit LSB technique and Discrete Cosine Transform DCT technique. The results of the simulation show the capability of both approaches to destroy the hidden information without any alteration to the cover image except the denoising approach enhance the PSNR in any received image even without hidden information by an average of 4dB.
Title of the Paper: Towards an Ontology-driven Intellectual Properties reuse for Systems On Chip design
Authors: Fateh Boutekkouk
Pages: 78-83
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.13 XML
Abstract: Intellectual Properties reuse has gained widespread acceptance in System-On-Chip design to manage the complexity and shorten the time-to-market. However the need for a standard representation that permits IPs classification, characterization, and integration is still a big challenge. To address this problem, we propose to develop an IPs reuse specific ontology that facilitates IPs reuse at many levels of abstraction and independently from any design language or tool. Our ontology is built using the Protégé-OWL tool
Title of the Paper: Meta-Heuristic Algorithm based on Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm and Project Scheduling Problem (PSP) for the Traveling Salesman Problem
Authors: Fuentes-Penna Alejandro, Ruiz-Vanoye Jorge A., González-Ramírez Marcos S.
Pages: 68-77
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.12 XML
Abstract: The main target of Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is to construct the path with the lowest time between different cities, visiting every one once. The Scheduling Project Ant Colony Optimization (SPANCO) Algorithm proposes a way to solve TSP problems adding three aspects: time, cost effort and scope, where the scope is the number of cities, the effort is calculated multiplying time, distance and delivering weight factors and dividing by the sum of them and optimizing the best way to visit the cities graph.
Title of the Paper: Dynamic Chaotic Look-Up Table for MRI Medical Image Encryption
Authors: Karim Abdmouleh, Ali Khalfallah, Salim Bouhlel
Pages: 62-67
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.11 XML
Abstract: Nowadays, a variety of cryptosystem based on the chaos theory have been proposed. In this paper, we propose a new scheme encryption for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); medical images, using the chaos theory to define a dynamic chaotic Look-Up Table (LUT). Theoretic analyses and simulation results show that our scheme is secure and efficient. Also, the proposed cryptosystem is resistant to the known plaintext attack.
Title of the Paper: An Invariant Three-polar Representation for R3 Surfaces: Robustness and Accuracy for 3D Faces Description
Authors: Majdi Jribi, Faouzi Ghorbel
Pages: 56-61
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.10 XML
Abstract: In this paper, we intend to introduce a new curved surface representation that we qualify by three-polar. It is constructed by the superposition of the three geodesic potentials generated from three reference points of the surface. By considering a pre-selected levels set of this superposition, invariant points are obtained. The accuracy of the three-polar representation for 3D human faces description is performed in the mean of the Hausdorff distance. A comparison between this representation and the one based on the level curves around the nose tip is established in the sense of the robustness under errors on the nose tip positions.
Title of the Paper: Analytic Programming – a Novel Tool for Synthesis of Controller for Chaotic Lozi Map
Authors: Roman Senkerik, Zuzana Kominkova Oplatkova, Michal Pluhacek
Pages: 50-55
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.9 XML
Abstract: In this paper, it is presented a utilization of a novel tool for symbolic regression, which is analytic programming, for the purpose of the synthesis of a new feedback control law. This new synthesized chaotic controller secures the fully stabilization of selected discrete chaotic systems, which is the two-dimensional Lozi map. The paper consists of the descriptions of analytic programming as well as selected chaotic system, used heuristic and cost function design. For experimentation, Self-Organizing Migrating Algorithm (SOMA) and Differential evolution (DE) were used. Two selected experiments are detailed described.
Title of the Paper: Controlling Chaotic Systems via Time-delayed Control
Authors: Ramy Farid, Abdul-Azim Ibrahim, Belal Abou-Zalam
Pages: 44-49
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.8 XML
Abstract: Based on Lyapunov stabilization theory, this paper proposes a proportional plus integral time-delayed controller to stabilize unstable equilibrium points (UPOs) embedded in chaotic attractors. The criterion is successfully applied to the classic Chua's circuit. Theoretical analysis and numerical simulation show the effectiveness of this controller.
Title of the Paper: Comparison of Bayesian Methods for Recovering Sinusoids
Authors: Dursun Üstündağ, Mehmet Cevri
Pages: 36-43
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.7 XML
Abstract: In this paper, we study a problem of estimating parameters of sinusoids from noisy data within Bayesian inferential framework. In this context, three different computational schemes such as, Bretthorst’s integral method (BRETTHORST), Gibbs sampling (GIBBS) and parallel tempering (PT) are studied and modifications of their algorithms were tested on data generated from synthetic signals. In addition, our emphasis is given to a comparison of their performances with respect to Cramér-Rao lower bound (CRLB).
Title of the Paper: Multi-method Simulation Approach for Software Project Management Training in-process Decision Support System: a Conceptual-operative Framework
Authors: Ali Tizkar Sadabadi, Nazri Kama, Faizul Azli Abd Ridzab
Pages: 27-35
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.6 XML
Abstract: Software project management (SPM) is a discipline that comprises of different topics, practice and theories. There are two dimensions in the knowledge of SPM, theoretical or concepts of SPM and; practical or experience of SPM. These two dimensions although grow separately but come across at one point that is experiential knowledge of SPM. To present these dimensions through a proper training, a practitioner needs to have a proper view on SPM process. In this paper we present a new framework for practicing SPM through a distinct simulation technique to bring on an in-process decision support system, supporting the proper training approach. The framework developed based on three different methods of simulation technique, discrete event simulation (DES), system dynamics (SD) and partially observable Markov decision process (POMDP).1
Title of the Paper: New Intelligent Control of Auto-self Defensive Unmanned Aerial Vehicle
Authors: Marwa A. El-Diwiny, Abou-Hashema M. El-Sayed
Pages: 23-26
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.5 XML
Abstract: This paper handle a new terminology of the field of the unmanned aerial vehicle is Auto-self defensive UAV, by using new configuration of x-band Doppler surface distribution. The aim of this research is to make UAV can avoid any directed missiles at small time delay before the collision. The intelligent control will process the data of the hypothetical missiles by using supercomputing and send it to the inertial navigation system to correct the path of UAV every sample time against the missile. The goal is to make intelligent UAV that can maneuver the missile and never collide with it.
Title of the Paper: A Linked Data approach to evaluate Open Education Resources
Authors: Davide Taibi, Giovanni Fulantelli, Stefan Dietze, Besnik Fetahu
Pages: 19-22
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.4 XML
Abstract: The social environments based on the Web 2.0 paradigm have modified the way people behave on the Web. One of the direct consequences of this change is that the amount of online resources produced and shared by users has increased considerably. Amongst them, it is possible to find materials that can be exploited for educational purposes. For example, YouTube, Flickr, Slideshare, more and more often collect resources that can be used in educational contexts. In this scenario, finding methods to support the evaluation of the educational relevance of online resources is becoming one of the greatest challenges faced by the educational technologists today. In this paper we propose an approach for the evaluation of the relevance of educational resources based on recent advancements of Linked Open Data.
Title of the Paper: Computational Analysis of Incremental Clustering Approaches for Large Data
Authors: Arun Pratap Singh Kushwah, Shailesh Jaloree, Ramjeevan Singh Thakur
Pages: 14-18
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.3 XML
Abstract: Clustering is an approach of data mining, which helps us to find the underlying hidden structure in the dataset. K-means is a clustering method which usages distance functions to find the similarities or dissimilarities between the instances. DBSCAN is a clustering algorithm, which discovers the arbitrary shapes & sizes of clusters from huge volume of using spatial density method. These two approaches of clustering are the classical methods for efficient clustering but underperform when the data is updated frequently in the databases so, the incremental or gradual clustering approaches are always preferred in this environment. In this paper, an incremental approach for clustering is introduced using K-means and DBSCAN to handle the new datasets dynamically updated in the database in an interval.
Title of the Paper: Performance of Beamforming for Smart Antenna using Traditional LMS Algorithm for Various Parameters
Authors: Vishal V. Sawant, Mahesh Chavan
Pages: 8-13
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.2 XML
Abstract: Adaptive signal processing sensor arrays, known also as smart antennas. The smart antenna adaptive algorithms achieve the best weight vector for beam forming by iterative means. The Least Mean Square (LMS) algorithm, is an adaptive algorithm .LMS incorporates an iterative procedure that makes successive corrections to the weight vector in the direction of the negative of the gradient vector which eventually leads to the minimum mean square error. Beam forming is directly determined by the two factors. The performance of the traditional LMS algorithm for different parameters is analysed in this paper. This algorithm can be applied to beam forming with the software Matlab. The result obtain can achieve faster convergence and lower steady state error. The algorithms can be simulated in MATLAB 7.10 version.
Title of the Paper: TTS-driven Embodied Conversation Avatar for UMB-SmartTV
Authors: Matej Rojc, Zdravko Kačič, Marko Presker, Izidor Mlakar
Pages: 1-7
DOI: 10.46300/91013.2021.15.1 XML
Abstract: When human-TV interaction is performed by remote controller and mobile devices only, the interactions tend to be mechanical, dreary and uninformative. To achieve more advanced interaction, and more human-human like, we introduce the virtual agent technology as a feedback interface. Verbal and co-verbal gestures are linked through complex mental processes, and although they represent different sides of the same mental process, the formulations of both are quite different. Namely, verbal information is bound by rules and grammar, whereas gestures are influenced by emotions, personality etc. In this paper a TTS-driven behavior generation system is proposed for more advanced interface used for smart IPTV platforms. The system is implemented as a distributive non-IPTV service and integrated into UMB-SmartTV in a service-oriented fashion. The behavior generation system fuses speech and gesture production models by using FSMs and HRG structures. Features for selecting the shape and alignment of co-verbal movement are based on linguistic features (that can be extracted from arbitrary input text), and prosodic features (as predicted within several processing steps in the TTS engine). At the end, the generated speech and co-verbal behavior are animated by an embodied conversational agent (ECA) engine and represented to the user within the UMBSmarTV user interface.