Contact NAUN

NAUN is an Open Access Publisher which follows the most strict academic Standards:

Plagiarism or Self-Plagiarism will be punished by lifetime ban of the offending authors, as well as notification of all major indexes, editors-in-chief, associate editors, reviewers and conference organizers of their names. Plagiarism or Self-Plagiarism is checked by Turnitin

Revenue sources: NAUN is operating on a non-profit base with optional author fees and donations. NAUN does not have revenue from subscriptions, advertising, reprints, institutional support, and organizational support.

North Atlantic University Union (NAUN),
991 US Highway 22, Suite 100, Bridewater,
New Jersey 08807, USA
Phone: +1 914 2787705

Administration - Officers - Offices:

Prof. Demetrios Kazakos, Life Fellow of IEEE,
Professor of Mathematics
Texas Southern University

Prof. George Vachtsevanos,
Intelligent Control Systems Laboratory
School of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Prof. Pierre Borne
IEEE France Section Chair, IEEE Fellow, IEEE/SMC Past President
Ecole Centrale de Lille
BP 48, 59651 Villeneuve d'Ascq, France

Prof. Qing-Wen Wang
Shanghai University
99 Shangda Road, Shanghai, 200444

Prof. Theodore B. Trafalis
University of Oklahoma

Prof. D. Subbaram Naidu
Idaho State University

Prof. Sandra Sendra
Instituto de Inv. para la Gestion
Integrada de Zonas Costeras (IGIC)
Universidad Politecnica de Valencia

Prof. Elbrous M. Jafarov
Istanbul Technical University,
Istanbul, Turkey