International Journal of Systems Applications, Engineering & Development
E-ISSN: 2074-1308
Volume 15, 2021
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Volume 15, 2021
Title of the Paper: Research on Mechanism and Path of High- Quality Development of China's Manufacturing Industry
Authors: Huiai Yuan
Pages: 250-253
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.38 XML
Abstract: Promoting high-quality development of manufacturing is not only an important part of promoting highquality economic development, but also an inevitable requirement for deepening supply-side structural reform, as well as an objective requirement for comprehensively building a great modern socialist country. The three driving mechanisms to achieve high-quality development of manufacturing industry are innovation drive, structure optimization and efficiency support. The path to high-quality development of the manufacturing lies in encouraging enterprise innovation; promoting supply-side structural reform; highlighting integrated industrial development; promoting smart manufacturing with the development of the digital economy; accelerating the integration of industrial chains.
Title of the Paper: Topology Processor design for EHV Substations
Authors: Wonkeun Yu, Junghyun Oh, Minhan Yoon, Heungjae Lee
Pages: 245-249
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.37 XML
Abstract: The intelligent application is one of the major issues in power system research. The topology identification is one of the most important modules to develop intelligent system such as fault diagnosis and restoration expert system. This paper presents the topology processor in order to identify topology effectively in a practical 765kV substation in Korea composed of the double-bus and 1.5 CB, which is the typical structure of EHV substations. The proposed topology processor redefines switching group composed of circuit breaker, disconnecting switches and ground switches as aggregated circuit breaker. The proposed system remarkably reduces the search space and search time for topology identification. The proposed topology processor is developed using the data of a practical 765kV substation in Korea. The proposed system can be applied to intelligent systems such as fault diagnosis and restoration expert system and contribute to improving the performance of intelligent systems.
Title of the Paper: Automatic Car Parking System
Authors: Adnan M. Al-Smadi, Mofeed Msallam
Pages: 240-244
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.36 XML
Abstract: As the number of cars are increasing on roads, it becomes difficult to find a parking space. People drive around for half an hour or more to avoid facing this challenge. Automatic car parking is an autonomous car maneuvering system that takes the car from a traffic lane to a parking space. To provide more simplicity into people’s lives, this paper will develop a system that enables car to park itself in parallel way. The system uses ultrasound sensors and Arduino microcontroller to detect the parking place automatically, and then moves the car to park in the accurate position. The system uses a four-wheel drive miniature vehicle to simulate the mechanism of a real car. This system becomes necessary for an inexperienced driver, especially in a narrow parking space without damaging his/her car or other cars nearby. In addition, disabled drivers can benefit from this technology. A prototype parking system that can perform parallel parking maneuvers autonomously has been implemented and tested. It performs as expected.
Title of the Paper: Design an Improved System to Control the Computer Temperature
Authors: Hani. K. Al-Mohair, Hussien A. Alhadadd
Pages: 234-239
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.35 XML
Abstract: Temperature is one of the most significant problems that computer users face, especially the users who deal with works that required high-performance processing such as gamers and designers. The traditional PC heat detection methods depend on the information of the CPU and the user should go through a long procedure to check the heat or by installing some third-party programs and in the end, he has to take the action manually. Although some researchers have been talked about the temperature controllers, no system used both software and hardware to control the PC temperature, also there is no consensus on the quick and efficient methods to protect the PC from the overheating problem. The proposed system improved the current solutions by providing better performance in terms of quick responses for safety protection. This paper proposes a novel system for controlling the PC's temperature to increase the safety of computer users.
Title of the Paper: An Elegant Method of Analysis for the BJT Amplifiers using Floating Admittance Matrix
Authors: Sanjay Kumar Roy, Kamal Kumar Sharma, Brahmadeo Prasad Singh
Pages: 228-233
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.34 XML
Abstract: The Floating Admittance Matrix (FAM) is an elegant, neat, illustrative, and simplified technique for analyzing all configurations of the BJT amplifiers, starting with the maneuvering of the FAM of the phase-splitter circuit. The conventional analysis method requires a small-signal equivalent circuit, and then conventional tools, either KCL, KVL, or Thevenin, Norton, etc., are used for the analysis. The researcher has to guess which conventional tool suites better than the other for any particular circuit, whether active or passive. The proposed technique is equally ell useful for all circuits. In the FAM method, once the device matrix is known rest of the circuit can be embedded in it by inspection. The sum property of this matrix provides a check to know whether FAM has been written correctly to proceed further.
Title of the Paper: Semantic and Content-Based Medical Image Retrieval with Proven Pathology for Lung Cancer Diagnosis
Authors: Preeti Aggarwal, H. K. Sardana, Renu Vig
Pages: 221-227
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.33 XML
Abstract: In lung cancer computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) systems, having an accurate ground truth is critical and time consuming. Due to lack of ground truth and semantic information, lung CAD systems are not progressing in the manner these are supposed to. In this study, we have explored Lung Image Database Consortium (LIDC) database containing annotated pulmonary computed tomography (CT) scans, and we have used semantic and content-based image retrieval (CBIR) approach to exploit the limited amount of diagnostically labeled data in order to annotate unlabeled images with diagnoses. We evaluated the method by various combinations of lung nodule sets as queries and retrieves similar nodules from the diagnostically labeled dataset. In calculating the precision of this system Diagnosed dataset and computer-predicted malignancy data are used as ground truth for the undiagnosed query nodules. Our results indicate that CBIR expansion is an effective method for labeling undiagnosed images in order to improve the performance of CAD systems while tested on PGIMER data. Also a little knowledge of biopsy confirmed cases can also assist the physician’s as second opinion to mark the undiagnosed cases and avoid unnecessary biopsies
Title of the Paper: Combining Academic Education With Soft Skills Development: Some Common Aspects of Educational Preparation of IT Professionals and Schoolteachers
Authors: Abramovich S., Kuznetsov N. V., Kuznetsov S. V., Kuznetsova O. A., Leonov G. A., Onossovski V. V., Seledzhi S. M.
Pages: 214-220
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.32 XML
Abstract: In the modern educational process aimed on preparing professionals in the applied areas, it’s crucial, along with purely professional training, to provide students both with solid theoretical background and help them to develop “soft skills” that will facilitate their smooth and efficient adaptation to the industry realities when they start their professional careers. In this paper we consider practical cases of acquiring soft skills through intensive field experience in two areas related to mathematical education.
Title of the Paper: MeLOD
Authors: Marco Arrigo, Davide Taibi, Giovanni Fulantelli
Pages: 208-213
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.31 XML
Abstract: In the last few years, many applications for mobile devices have been developed to support learning experiences both in formal and informal contexts. One of the main limits of these applications concerns the development of learning materials suitable for mobile learning contexts. In fact, learning content must be usually prepared in advance by teachers and maintained during the whole lifespan of the application. In this paper, we present MeLOD, a mobile learning environment, which exploits the huge amount of dataset in the Linked Open Data (LOD) cloud to overcome the previous issue, and provides contextualized and continuously updated information based on students’ location. The position of the student sent by the mobile device is used to interlink Geonames DBpedia and Europeana datasets to provide information about all the interesting cultural heritage sites close to the student. Moreover, students social activities like voting and commenting are used to enhance the knowledge base of the environment and to provide recommendations for next students’ visits.
Title of the Paper: e-Materials Application Presentation Using Gagne Learning Theory for “Introduction to C++ Computer Programming”
Authors: Mohd Nor Hajar Hasrol Jono, Rahayu Hasanordin, Mohamad Ibrahim, Nor Azilah Mohd Asarani, Azlan Abdul Aziz
Pages: 202-207
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.30 XML
Abstract: The need to integrate multimedia in the process of teaching and learning at all levels of education is becoming more vital. Multimedia based on e-learning is seen as an effective alternative in teaching and learning process. This method is able to create a student-centered learning where students are encouraged of being independence; study at their own pace and at their own place. Nevertheless, the rapid development of information and communication technologies (ICT) in today's world has necessitate a new trend in the presentation of information in the form of Flash Video, which is more easy to understand and accessible instantly to users. The research is undertaken by introducing an e-based multimedia content by maintaining the concept of Gagne Learning Theory. An e-material entitled "Introduction to Computer Programming C++" has been developed containing learning activities that allow users to interact simultaneously with the material. The material is expected to be an effective teaching aid to entice students in the subject of programming.
Title of the Paper: Life-Long Learning Know-How Transfer Centers for Flood Risk Assessment in Romania and Hungary
Authors: Ioan David, Erika Beilicci, Zsuzsanna Nagy
Pages: 198-201
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.29 XML
Abstract: The sector affected by surplus or scarcity of water requires proper understanding of river and landscape system behavior, what is possible to be done to prevent potential damages and losses need skilled professionals, who are familiar also with the newest IT based hydroinformatic tools and technological achievements to find the best possible solutions. An extensive programs of Water Authorities in Romania and in Hungary have been running to provide flood risk maps in all the main river basins including also those which across the both countries. The obtained results will be contribute to the better understanding and general prediction of flooding on the major river systems and assist the governments to act (in real time and space) in accordance with contingency planning based on flood risk management plans, moreover future development plans of regions and cities will get a proper guidance and platforms for future feasibility studies. However Flood Directive implementation has been ongoing in Romania and Hungary, `bridging and direct trainings` for relevant sectors as it is planned in this project have not been provided and have not been planned for future in Romania and Hungary. Based on these needs in 2011 was initiated and organized an international cooperation project financed by the European Union with the theme: “Development of knowledge canters for life-long learning by involving of specialists and decision makers in flood risk management using advanced Hydroinformatic tools” [1]. In this paper we give a brief overview of the main objectives proposed, a description of the partners and some aspects of the activities developed in the project and some of the results obtained
Title of the Paper: Use of Virtual Reality in Teaching Fractions at Elementary Level
Authors: Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma, Abiel Tomás Parra Hernández
Pages: 194-197
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.28 XML
Abstract: The learning difficulties of the mathematical concept of fraction is a topic that has been studied by different mathematical educators, but still is a relevant topic today, because despite the proposals that have been made to improve learning, they have not been used for all teachers besides those few that are involved in the use of the technology. Besides that there is little educational software that is based on research and is validated to be taken to the classroom. This article shows a virtual system that has been created for the student to interact with it in order to connect his knowledge with his play skills, skills of discovery, reasoning, communication among others and may have a significant learning of fraction
Title of the Paper: Power System Simulation Laboratory as a Modern Educational Tool
Authors: Antans Sauhats, Diana Zalostiba, Aleksandrs Dolgicers, Andrejs Utans, Galina Bochkarjova, Edite Biela, Dmitrijs Antonovs
Pages: 186-193
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.27 XML
Abstract: To ensure the success of the personnel of power systems are required not only deep theoretical knowledge’s but also practical skills, the acquisition of which in modern universities is associated with considerable difficulties. The paper provides an overview of opportunities to overcome part of these difficulties by creating automation and protective relaying testing educational and research laboratory. To generate testing signals power system emergency processes records and simulation software are used. For education purposes microprocessorbased, suitable for digital input testing signals terminal is created
Title of the Paper: Towards a New Mobile Educational Model
Authors: Ouiame Filali Marzouki, Mohammed Khalidi Idrissi, Samir Bennani
Pages: 178-185
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.26 XML
Abstract: The development of mobile technologies and wireless networks encourages more research on Mobile Learning. Reviewing irregular verbs on a bus or organizing a training schedule on a Smartphone is becoming more common today. Mobile learning complements and enhances existing learning systems. Its development has been slowed in the early 2000s by both technical limitations and lack of dedicated teaching models. This article focuses on educational issues and proposes a solution by adopting the Method for Engineering Learning Systems MISA. Our work aims to identify basic elements, key characteristics and dimensions for developing the appropriate content for mobility. These elements are the basis for customization of the MISA method. Indeed, the different steps of MISA are governed by operating principles which ensure greater consistency and flexibility. Taking into account the specifications of Mobile learning in the development of these principles, we can adapt MISA to design a mobile learning system.
Title of the Paper: Simulation as a Resource in the Calculus Solving Problem
Authors: Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma, Juan Jesús Gutiérrez García
Pages: 172-177
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.25 XML
Abstract: This article is derived from the research project and developed at School of Computer Sciences of the National Polytechnic Institute of Mexico. The article reports on the problems found among engineering students with respect to their resistance to using different representation registers when solving optimization problems in the Calculus Learning Unit. Use of such registers could help the students to build mathematics knowledge and to solve calculus problems. As a didactic strategy, simulations are used in an electronic environment in order to support the students by fostering their use of tabular, graphical and algebraic representation registers. Interviews are undertaken of six of the professors who gave the calculus courses, and a diagnostic questionnaire was applied to 68 students prior to and after working with the proposal. As for the theoretical framework, the work reported by Duval and Hitt is salient in this report, particularly their emphasis of the fact that working on activities by way of one single representation system is not sufficient. From the first responses provided by the students, one can conclude that the algebraic register is preferred by the majority of students. It is however used in a mechanical fashion without affording any meaning to the content of the problem and to the process of solving it. Another conclusion reported is that implementing tasks in the classroom in which the mathematics activity requires coherent use of different representations is necessary
Title of the Paper: Applying Robots as Teaching Assistant in EFL Classes at Iranian Middle-Schools
Authors: A. Meghdari, M. Alemi, M. Ghaazisaidi, A.R. Taheri, A. Karimian, M. Zand Vakili
Pages: 165-171
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.24 XML
Abstract: Since its invention, robots have been developed for various purposes and needs, quite similar to personal computers in their early days. However, with the advancement of technology, it is anticipated that in near future one of the cutting-edge technologies to be used in “language teaching and learning” is robotics. Humanoid and/or animal shaped robots will soon gain more attention as a fancy tool for 1st and 2nd language teaching in mid-schools/high schools around the globe. At CEDRA, we are currently exploring the design and application of educational service robots to initiate and pioneer Robotics Assisted Language Learning (RALL) in Iranian schools. With the proliferation of computers and mobile devices, Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) and Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) have been in the limelight for 2nd language instructional theories for about a decade or more. However, utilizing robots to support language teaching and learning can certainly enhance today's conventional techniques. Robots not only have the features and interfaces already being employed in CALL/MALL, but are also capable of autonomous movements, visual/voice recognition, and physical/ environmental interactions when equipped with various sensors. Although computers or mobile devices also can be capable of nonverbal communication employing cyber characters/videos, robots are notable in their capacity for nonverbal communication, such as facial expressions, gestures and actions, while coexisting with users in a real environment such as the home/classroom. Additionally, robots are different from computers and mobile devices in a way that they have a friendly appearance and are successfully capable of keeping social relations. This article covers an overview of the subject and our current activities/findings in the interdisciplinary field of RALL in the English as a Foreign Language (EFL) classes and as a case study in the broader filed of Social Robotics in Iran
Title of the Paper: Actor-networks, a Project in Engineering Education
Authors: José Figueiredo
Pages: 159-164
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.23 XML
Abstract: Actor-network theory represents a way to look at things, very different from traditional approaches. Convinced that actor-networks can provide an excellent mindset to deal with innovation in engineering education we present a concise background on the topic oriented to this knowledge area. We deal with knowledge, learning, contexts, and actor networking within situated cooperative environments. We deal with the articulation of planned approaches and policies, providing ideas to explore contexts in which we can improve people’s involvement and design some innovative strategies and artifacts. We address the conciliation of sensibilities that normally wouldn’t be able to cooperate. We try to imagine a space of translations and negotiations that facilitate the formulation of problems as a combination of detours and extensions, constructing alignments to a goal
Title of the Paper: Mobile Computing as a Support to Teach the Concept of Function
Authors: Elena Fabiola Ruiz Ledesma, Juan Jesús Gutiérrez García
Pages: 151-158
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.22 XML
Abstract: We make a proposal to teach the concept of function using mobile computing. This proposal is based on research that has support in education theories such as Constructivism and Problem Solving Learning. In the first part we show the difficulties that undergraduate Computer Science students have in the first semester of Engineering while working with that mathematical concept. And application to be used by the students anywhere and anytime in mobile devices is designed that process data and is intended to show them the concept of function in a problem solving situation. The proposed activities are part of the education methodology used in the research and within this paper we show the diagnostic questionnaire as one of the methodological tools and its results supporting the designed activities and its application to mobile devices
Title of the Paper: The Impact of Classroom Management Strategies on the Students’ Academic Success in the Computer- Assisted Lesson
Authors: Ioana Iacob, Corina Muşuroi
Pages: 146-150
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.21 XML
Abstract: The present study aims to highlight that there is a direct connection between the classroom management strategies involved in the computer-assisted lesson and students’ success in retaining information and building learning skills and competences. One of the roles that a teacher must assume in order to improve the instructional process is that of a classroom manager. As long as teaching is no longer understood as information transfer, teachers must learn efficient approaches of the contemporary multileveled instructional process. The aspects discussed in this paper regard the role of an active teacher, the student-centred instruction, building long term valid skills and competences, increasing students’ awareness and participation, managing discipline as a source of responsibilization, developing a positive teacher-student relationship, acquiring and using scientifically developed teaching strategies in the technologyaided classroom
Title of the Paper: Dynamics of Mechatronics Engineering in Pakistan
Authors: Aqeela Mir, Akhtar Nawaz Malik, Javaid Iqbal
Pages: 138-145
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.20 XML
Abstract: Mechatronics, being a new engineering discipline in Pakistan, has to face many risks for its successful establishment and growth. Every discipline owes its evolution and progress to the stakeholders, government, universities and experts. This paper discusses the general view of Mechatronics engineering education in Pakistan, the evolution of Mechatronics engineering in Pakistan and the status of Mechatronics in the industries of Pakistan. The paper presents a survey based approach and the use of Cronbach Alpha for assessing reliability of the data
Title of the Paper: The Role of Presence, Flow and Education Components in the Continuing Intention to e-Learn
Authors: Inma Rodríguez-Ardura, Antoni Meseguer-Artola
Pages: 135-137
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.19 XML
Abstract: This paper investigates learners’ experiences in virtual education environments and the impact on their continued intention to e-learn. We study how presence and flow affect behavioral intention to continue e-learning, and analyze the role of TAM perceptions on core components of the virtual education environment. We develop an integrated conceptual model, and we test it by means of a questionnaire-based survey and registered data collected from a broad sample of learners within a virtual education environment. The results strongly support the conceptual model, suggesting that the virtual education environment’s components (categorized by professor attitude and perceived didactic resource quality) play a key role in prompting learners’ perceptions, attitudes and behavioral intentions
Title of the Paper: Development of Smart Monitoring System for Wind Energy System
Authors: Apapol Mahaveera, Sanya Pasuk
Pages: 132-134
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.18 XML
Abstract: The paper presents the development of monitoring system for a wind turbine prototype system. The proposed monitoring system is developed by the Labview computer programming. The system can connect to the wind turbine via the internet – as well as acquire monitored values and upload values into memories. Meanwhile, the system will show real-time values. Operating staffs can observe the wind turbine using the monitoring system and can take any actions on-time, if the wind turbine is not working properly. The results of the monitoring system indicate that the monitoring system is able to work properly and information can be used for investigation - the wind turbine and system analysis. The investigation process is very important for wind turbine operation in order to transmit energy to destinations.
Title of the Paper: The Application of Small-Scale and Large-Scale Wind Turbines in Kerman, Iran; A Case Study
Authors: Ighball Baniasad Askari, Lina Baniasad Askari, Mohammad Mehdi Kaykhah
Pages: 124-131
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.17 XML
Abstract: Wind data collected of the three synoptic sites for the period of Jul 2006 to Jun 2008 at the height of 40 m has been used to study the wind characteristics, monthly and annual wind energy potential for three agricultural districts in Kerman ( 30°15/N, 56°58/E ), Iran. Two statistical methods (Meteorological and Weibull) have been applied to determine the wind characteristics. Wind energy density, mean wind speeds and wind speed directions have been investigated. A technical assessment has been done and the electricity generation from five different wind turbines having capacity of (26 kW, 100 kW, 300 kW, 600 kW and 660 kW) has been calculated. The results show that all the locations studied are not suitable for electric wind application in a large-scale.
Title of the Paper: Dynamic Iteration Method: New Approach to Cultural Events Management
Authors: Eva Svirakova
Pages: 116-123
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.16 XML
Abstract: This article provides project managers, the cultural events organizers, a new approach to plan preparation and to the monitoring of events realization. The Dynamic Iteration Method introduced in this article is based on the system dynamic modelling and on the principles of project iterative development. The plan model and the reality model are structurally similar; they differ in values of exogenous variables. The new approach enables to easily monitor the real project course in close connection with the plan and to take timely controlling steps. The effects resulting from the manager´s decisionmaking process are compared with the plan in regular iterations. The method thus reminds of a traveller whose route is adjusted by a GPS navigation system.
Title of the Paper: International Exchange of Information in the Field of Direct Taxation
Authors: Karel Brychta, Pavel Svirák
Pages: 107-115
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.15 XML
Abstract: In connection with continually widening public budget deficits and related attempts of States to remove (or at least to eliminate) unfair tax practices, issues regarding the exchange of information, which is necessary for the proper performance of provisions of conventions for the avoidance of double taxation and/or national laws, have become topical. The purpose of this paper which includes starting points for subsequent analyses is to describe and assess the existing situation in the area of enshrinement of the concept of exchange of information in current conventions for avoidance of double taxation concluded by the Czech Republic according to the state valid on 1 January 2013. Having regard to this objective defined, the authors ignore other aspects such as the existence of memoranda of mutual cooperation concerning the exchange of information, existence of tax information exchange agreements concluded by the Czech Republic and Euroepan Union law in the given area and their contents. They briefly refer to these and other aspects in the chapter called “Discussion” where they point to other research possibilities in this area.
Title of the Paper: Enhancing E-commerce by Website Quality
Authors: Renata Bilkova, Hana Kopackova
Pages: 99-106
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.14 XML
Abstract: Competition among e-commerce sites challenges their providers to look for new ways of customer attraction. Website quality can be included among the fundamental tools (along with the information and service quality) to attract and retain customers. In this article is described experiment covering establishment of e-shop as the competitor to producer website. New e-shop has defined terms, services are assured by producer therefore the only way how to compete is through website quality. During the reporting period producer applied discount actions, which allow us to determine the influence of the price and non-price competition.
Title of the Paper: Non-linearity in Equity Market Timing: Empirical Evidence From the UK
Authors: Hafezali Iqbal Hussain, Meor Azli Ayub, Zurinahni Zainol
Pages: 94-98
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.13 XML
Abstract: This paper empirically tests the market timing theory to prove that issuing behavior of managers is non-linear. Consistent with the literature we show that mangers increase use of equity to finance their deficit when equities are overvalued and resort to a higher proportion of debt when equities are undervalued. Our results further suggest that mangers however exhibit a distinctive pattern when timing the market. The increase in reliance on equity to finance their deficit during periods of equity overvaluation is non-linear and only significant when the degree of overvaluation is not excessive. Furthermore, during periods of undervaluation managers resort to higher levels of leverage to finance their deficit only when undervaluation levels are excessive. This has serious implications on the ability of the equity market timing as a stand-alone theory in explaining capital structure decisions and poses some interesting implications on the debt-equity choice question when financing the deficit.
Title of the Paper: Real Options for Risk Analysis in Estimating the Capitalization Rate
Authors: Pierluigi Morano, Benedetto Manganelli, Francesco Tajani
Pages: 88-93
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.12 XML
Abstract: A suitable cap-rate is generally determined through an analogical process in order to estimate the value of any real estate through the capitalization of the incomes. The analogy relates to the risk and duration of similar investments. There are numerous methods to rationalize the valuation of the cap-rate. Appraisals have a certain degree of uncertainty in all these methods. This paper proposes a methodology which removes any uncertainty when evaluating the cap-rate. This is achieved through the combination of the formal logic of the Ellwood’s model and the Real Options Analysis.
Title of the Paper: Basic Characteristics of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises in Terms of Their Strategic Management
Authors: Monika Březinová
Pages: 84-87
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.11 XML
Abstract: The strategic management represents current direction of management. It is applied in all types of enterprises, including small and medium sized ones. Using principles of process management within SMEs has its limitations caused mainly by the size of the enterprise and the related focus on operational management. Other specifics are function accumulation, informal leadership, preference of oral communication to written, etc. Nevertheless, implementation of strategic management can increase competitiveness, reduce costs, improve decision-making, facilitate implementation of the employee motivation system, shorten delivery times, raise quality of customer satisfaction, etc. The aim of this article is to find out how to what extent SMEs implement the principles of strategic management.
Title of the Paper: Economic Relationships Between Selling and Rental Prices in the Italian Housing Market
Authors: Pierluigi Morano, Benedetto Manganelli, Francesco Tajani
Pages: 78-83
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.10 XML
Abstract: In this paper the relationship between price and rent dynamics in the Italian housing market is studied. The aim is reached through the implementation of a multivariate autoregressive model (VAR), that makes it possible to explain the interdependencies of multiple time series. The analysis considers a series of macroeconomic variables in the model that in the deductive interpretation of the phenomenon and on the basis of other experiences in current literature, were evaluated as potential keys to understanding the relationship between prices and rents. The variables selected, along with residential realestate prices and real residential rents, were: the real short term interest rate, the time series of the annual differences between the actual and the expected Gross Domestic Product, real investments in housing. The data series cover the period from 1980 to 2008. The results obtained show some peculiarities of the Italian real estate market.
Title of the Paper: Automatic Personalized Interventions for Behaviour Change Towards Healthier Lifestyle
Authors: Inmaculada Luengo López, Paloma Jimeno Sánchez-Patón, Pablo Aubert Girbal
Pages: 68-77
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.9 XML
Abstract: This paper outlines the results evidenced by WellCo (GA nº: 769765), an European project funded by the European Commission within its H2020 programme under the personalised medicine call. The aim of this project was to develop and validate how ICT technologies may engage people to adopt healthier behaviour choices that improve their wellbeing status for as long as possible. Using data from wearable devices and AI-based algorithms, WellCo assesses the status of the user in terms of wellbeing and the risk of CVD. Using this information, WellCo develops an affective-aware coach that empowers users in the process of change of behaviour through the provision of interventions tailored to their current mood and life context. These motivational activities ranged from recommendations, goals to achieve, interactions with people in the social network, tips from experts and supporting groups suggested by the platform and adapted to their needs. The project has been validated with ageing people in Italy, Denmark and Spain. Despite the COVID-19 situation, results are very promising in terms of the possibilities that ICT technologies have for health promotion and set the basis for further research in this direction.
Title of the Paper: Experimental Research Methods for CO2 Laser Cutting of HARDOX400 Steel
Authors: Constantin Cristinel Girdu, Badea Lepădătescu
Pages: 63-67
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.8 XML
Abstract: he laser beam is a source of radiation with concentrated energy. The characteristics of the laser beam (spot energy, focal spot diameter, spot temperature) are aspects theoretically researched in this paper. The intensity of the laser beam transmitted to the surface of the part has a Gaussian shape. A CO2 laser was used in the processing of parts from a HARDOX400 steel sheet with a thickness g = 8mm. The values of the cutting parameters were established by sample tests. An experimental design with 27 observations was analyzed. The width of the cutting slot at the straight profile was measured. Physical quantities derived from the cutting parameters and working parameters used were calculated. Spot energy, cost and interaction time were determined and evaluated using the mathematical model given by GRAPH. The research findings show that the best values of the factors studied converge to average values in minimizing Kerf.
Title of the Paper: Database Access Layer Code Generation Directly from Use Case Scenarios
Authors: Nassima Yamouni-Khelifi, Kaddour Sadouni, Michał Śmiałek, Mahmoud Zennaki
Pages: 41-62
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.7 XML
Abstract: Requirements definition is the first step in the life cycle of a software system. Requirements are formulated as paragraphs of text and appear ambiguous, so they cannot be translated directly into code. For this reason, they are treated as secondary artifacts for software developers. This paper presents a model-driven based approach where requirements are treated as first-class citizens, and can contribute to the final code. In this approach, requirements are formulated as use case models with their textual scenarios, using a precise requirements language called RSL, allowing an automatic transition to executable Java code. The structure of the generated code follows the Model-View-Presenter (MVP) architectural pattern. The work focuses on the Model layer code, which is responsible for the persistence and storage of data in a database system.
Title of the Paper: The Eastern Baltic LNG Terminal as a Prospect to Improve Security of Regional Gas Supply
Authors: Kati Kõrbe Kaare, Ott Koppel, Ando Leppiman
Pages: 34-40
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.6 XML
Abstract: One of the crucial issues in Europe at the moment is securing reliable gas supply. Achieving security of gas supply implies diversifying gas sources, while having enough supply, transportation, and storage capacity to meet demand peaks and supply interruptions. In 2013, the Baltic States still remain disintegrated from the rest of Europe in one crucial way: their natural gas infrastructure isolates them into “energy islands”. The Eastern Baltic Sea European Union (EU) member states of Finland, Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania are the only ones which remain isolated from the present integrated EU natural gas transmission system. The gas demand in these isolated member states is approximately ten billion cubic meters (bm3) of natural gas per year. The third energy package of EU proposes a new series of measures to promote competition and create a single European energy market. Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Finland now for the first time have a chance to secure their energy independence by connecting their natural gas systems with those of their European allies and evolving them into market-based trading systems. Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is an important energy source that contributes to energy security and diversity, therefore a concept of a regional LNG terminal has been proposed. In this paper the authors give an overview of the current situation and present possible future scenarios with the development of Eastern Baltic regional LNG terminal. 2013 is a crucial time as in September the decision will be made regarding weather the regional LNG terminal will be chosen as a project of common interest in the trans-European energy networks.
Title of the Paper: The Natural Gas Addiction and Wood Energy Role in Latvia Today and Future
Authors: Ginta Cimdina, Andra Blumberga, Ivars Veidenbergs, Dagnija Blumberga, Aiga Barisa
Pages: 29-33
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.5 XML
Abstract: The paper analyzes strategies for restricting Latvia’s dependence on fossil fuel imports in line with an increasing challenge to follow the leading EU Member States in greening the energy sector. Availability of local biomass resources ensures the necessary framework for building an arranged, environmentally and climate-friendly economy. Primary attention is paid to historical pattern of wood fuel use which shows reduction in wood fuel’s share of primary energy consumption, however energy efficiency improvement is not observed. A hypothesis for development of wood fuel consumption up to 2020 is proposed. Analysis indicates potential of reaching a 43% share of wood fuel in national energy mix by 2020.
Title of the Paper: Economic and Emission Dispatch Problems using a New Hybrid Algorithm
Authors: Mimoun Younes, Fouad Khodja, Riad Lakhdar Kherfene
Pages: 21-28
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.4 XML
Abstract: Environmental legislation, with its increasing pressure on the energy sector to control greenhouse gases, is a driving force to reduce CO2 emissions, forced the power system operators to consider the emission problem as a consequential matter beside the economic problems, so the economic power dispatch problem has become a multi-objective optimization problem. This paper sets up an new hybrid algorithm combined in two algorithm, the harmony search algorithm and ant colony optimization (HSA-ACO), to solve the optimization with combined economic emission dispatch. This problem has been formulated as a multi-objective problem by considering both economy and emission simultaneously. The feasibility of the proposed approach was tested on 3-unit and 6-unit systems. The simulation results show that the proposed algorithm gives comparatively better operational fuel cost and emission in less computational time compared to other optimization techniques.
Title of the Paper: Association Rules in the Measurement of Air Pollution in the City of Santiago de Chile
Authors: Santiago Zapata Caceres, Juan Torres Lopez
Pages: 15-20
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.3 XML
Abstract: Some time ago, the use of the computation was operating alone. In the 1970s there is a change in the mindset of companies and organizations. Are recognized continuously recorded data as the raw material that would lead position in the market. The needs changed, requires additional storage capacity, data processing, new tools to address the information available. One such tool is known as Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD). In this paper we shall describe the main difficulties encountered in the discovery process either inherent fears or make a change that arise in data from different data sources. Finally, we present a practical application using data from Air Quality in the city of Santiago de Chile from the years 2000-2012, recorded at different monitoring stations intended for this purpose, and seek to establish a relationship between materials PM10 and PM2.5 particulate concentrations for 24 hours.
Title of the Paper: Benchmarking, Standard Setting and Energy Conservation of Olefin Plants in Iran
Authors: S. Gowharifar, B. Sepehrian, G. Nasiri, A. Khoshgard, M. Momenifar
Pages: 7-14
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.2 XML
Abstract: Olefin plants are one of the most energy intensive petrochemical plants in the world [1, 2]. In Iran more than 15% of petrochemical products are olefins and it will increase rapidly during next future, so improvement of energy efficiency in olefin plants is key element in NPC (Iranian National Petrochemical Company) plan for cost reduction and sustainable development. In this paper the energy consumption of existing olefin plants are compared with design condition and also world best technology. This comparison indicates the meaningful gap between operational and best condition. In this study the opportunities of energy saving in olefin plants are investigated using process integration tools and benchmarking. The result of this study indicates there is potential for energy consumption reduction up to 25% in Iranian olefin plants.
Title of the Paper: Anaerobic Degradation of Dairy Wastewater in Intermittent UASB Reactors: Influence of Effluent Recirculation
Authors: A. Silva, C. Couras, I. Capela, L. Arroja, H. Nadais
Pages: 1-6
DOI: 10.46300/91015.2021.15.1 XML
Abstract: This work studied the influence of effluent recirculation upon the kinetics of anaerobic degradation of dairy wastewater in intermittent UASB (Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Bed) reactors. Several laboratory-scale tests were performed with different organic loads in a UASB reactor inoculated with flocculent sludge from an industrial wastewater treatment plant. The data obtained were used for determination of specific substrate removal rates and specific methane production rates and adjusted to kinetic models. A high initial substrate removal was observed in all tests due to adsorption of organic matter onto the anaerobic biomass which was not accompanied by biological substrate degradation as measured by methane production. Initial methane production was about 45% of initial soluble and colloidal substrate removal rate. This discrepancy was observed mainly in the first day of all experiments and was attenuated in the second day. Effluent recirculation raised significantly the rate of removal of soluble and colloidal substrate and methane productivity as compared to literature results for batch assays without recirculation.