Conference Topics
Contributions related, but not limited, to the following topics of interest are welcome:
Virtual teachers, Virtual (e-) Classrooms, Virtual (e-) Schools, Management of Virtual Schools, Chatrooms, E-examinations, E-degrees, Multiservice networks, Multimedia for Internet Learning, Video Meetings, Intelligent Agents for testing e-schools, e-Libraries Administration, access to e-libraries, security aspects, privacy issues, sociological and political aspects, others
Virtual communities, Information Interfaces, Communication of groups, Human Resources Management via Computer Networks, People with Special Needs, Minorities Virtual psycological support for elder people, Multimedia for e-communities, Video Meetings, Intelligent Agents, Economic issues, the Society via Computer Networks and Internet, Multinational Fora and Development, Multiservice networks, Security aspects, Privacy issues, sociological and political aspects, others
E-Commerce and E-Management:
E-money, E-shops, E-trading, E-market, Qualifications of an E- manager, Mobile commerce, Negotiation methods and techniques, Competitive strategies, Web Banking, Electronic Logistics, Financial Management, Financial Accounting for e-commerce Decision Analysis for e-commerce, Project Management, Human Resources Management via Computer Networks, Quality Management via Computer Networks, Business Process Reengineering, Business Design and Business Strategy, Managerial Accounting, Multinational Business Design and Development, Integrated Manufacturing Systems via Computer Networks, Production Control, Control Systems, Monitoring, Diagnosis and Maintenance and Manufacturing Systems via computer networks Control of Production via Internet, Concurrent Engineering, Virtual Reality, Virtual and Extended Enterprises, Legal Aspects of Electronic Transactions, Legal Issues of E-commerce, Security and Electronic Payment Systems, Strategic Inventory Control and Warehousing, Public Finance, E-Taxation, Stock Exchange Analysis and Prediction, Security Aspects, Cryptology, Data Mining, Data Bases
E-Pricing, E-Retailers, E-wholesale dealers, E-shoppers, affiliate marketing, group buying, e-auctions, Techniques to compare prices automatically, intelligent agents, Business to Customer and Business to Business, "Infobots", E-promotion of products, E-advertizement, Chains of E-shops, Francising, modern strategies, Discount policy using internet, price negotiation, Personalization of Web Sites, One to one relations, Mobile marketing, Negotiation methods and techniques, communicating with customers, advertizement, direct marketing and the problem of "spam", mobile marketing, Webcasting, Opt-In Email Marketing, Push technologies, Channels, Chat, Banners policy, Advertorials, Smart Shops, Reliability, Click-to-Chat technology, Alliances in the Internet, Value Chain partnerships, Block Creation, Surveys, Web Banking, Mobile Banking, Policies, Business Design and Business Strategy, Business Ethics, Risk Management and Risk Analysis, Legal Aspects of E-Marketing
E-Citizens, E-democracy, E-representation, E-direct-Democracy, E-protests, E- Elections, E-Parliament, E-Goverment and E-Ministries, E-Statistics, E-Crime, E- Police, Legal, Social and Psychological Aspects
Human Resourses via internet, negotiations, relations of employers and employees via internet, e-supervising, strikes, e-Crime, Labour justice, Rights of employees in tele-working, Health issues, Labour law, Legal, Social and Psychological Aspects