Presentation & Chairing Information
Shortly after the registration deadline expires, the conference program will be sent by e-mail to all registered authors. A printed version will also be distributed during the conference. As soon as you receive it, please locate the sessions where your name appears either as a presenter or as a chairman and note that date & time. Each author is given approximately 15 minutes for the presentation, and 5 more minutes to answer questions from the audience. The usual lecture time for plenary speakers is 40 minutes plus 5 more minutes for questions, but this may differ slightly depending on the conference.
Every conference room is equipped with a data projector and a Windows computer with all necessary software installed, such as Microsoft Powerpoint and Adobe Acrobat. Make sure that you bring your presentation along in a portable USB drive or a CD-ROM. Slides are not an option as we no longer use overhead projectors.
Before the beginning of each session, all presenters must deliver their brief biography form to the chairmen. You can find the form here. If you are presenting in more than one session, make sure you have a printed copy for each.
Session chairmen will be asked to fill in a brief evaluation form of the papers that were presented. They are kindly requested to deliver this form to the secretariat after the end of the session. They will receive a chairing certificate for their service.