Keynote Lecture
A Way towards Innovation in Academic Libraries: Knowledge Management Implementation
Dr. Octavia Madge
Library and Information Science Department
University of Bucharest
Abstract: Knowledge management and especially one of its main sub processes, knowledge sharing which leads to innovation and change is nowadays the foundation of organizational development in all fields of activity, including library and information science. In a similar way to the whole higher education sector, academic libraries have passed during the last decades through many transformations. Globalization and networking have brought serious challenges to these institutions and for surviving and being successful in the current environment, they must redesign their management systems and adopt new managerial processes. Academic libraries should build and develop a culture that fosters thinking, learning, creation and sharing of knowledge. But for sharing knowledge is necessary to have within libraries open communication, trust, transparency of decision-making, appropriate rewards, teamwork, co-operation, etc. Higher level of performance and continuous innovation can be achieved by academic libraries through the identification and development of better ways to manage and exploit knowledge assets. A strategy for the future advance of academic libraries in the globalized knowledge-based economy should focus on the implementation of the knowledge management process and starting from a strategic model designed in this sense for the libraries in Romania and researches conducted in a number of structures from this country, the presentation approaches the theme of knowledge management application and the creation of a culture of learning and knowledge sharing in academic libraries.
Brief Biography of the Speaker: Dr. Octavia-Luciana Porumbeanu Madge is a lecturer at the Library and Information Science (LIS) Department of the Faculty of Letters from the University of Bucharest and the editor of the journal Library and Information Science Research published by the University of Bucharest. She graduated from the LIS Department, has a Master Degree in LIS, and a PhD on Knowledge Management and the Infodocumentary Structures. Her professional activity includes participation in six research projects, six books published, 67 articles, studies and papers at national and international conferences. She also graduated from the Medicine Faculty and is a medical doctor, being currently involved in research on the theme of surgical stenting of the bilio-digestive anastomoses within the Surgery Clinic I from the “Al. Trestioreanu” Oncology Institute Bucharest.